在肯特分析猛禽开云体育app客服 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/ark JISC资助的项目,用于评估肯特大学使用Raptor工具包的易用性和影响开云体育主頁(欢迎您)开云体育app客服 2012年11月13日星期二10:43:39 +0000 en - us 每小时 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.9 用户对Raptor应用程序的反馈 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/ark/2012/11/13/user-feedback-for-the-raptor-application/ https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/ark/2012/11/13/user-feedback-for-the-raptor-application/#respond 狮子座里昂 2012年11月13日星期二10:43:39 +0000 未分类的 约柜 电子资源 JISC 图书馆数据 猛禽 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/ark/?p=24 协助评估Raptor的图书馆工作人员最近被要求完成一份关于他们使用该应用程序的经验的简短调查。我现在正在分析结果–这听起来很了不起,不是吗?& # 8211;那我看看他们说的怎么样?[& # 8230;] 最近,协助评估Raptor的图书馆工作人员被要求完成一项关于他们使用该应用程序的经验的简短调查。我现在正在分析结果–这听起来很了不起,不是吗?& # 8211;那我看看他们说的怎么样?测试小组是一个很小的小组,但是是从图书馆工作人员中挑选出来的,如果Raptor被作为一项服务采用,他们可能会使用Raptor,并且他们会从Raptor提供的数据中受益。根据我自己使用Raptor的经验,我认为很明显,有用的数据是可用的,有用的图表可以直接从应用程序中生成,也可以将数据移植到Excel中。然而,我不认为我最适合判断这一点,因为我已经有几个月的应用程序相当定期的工作了。另一方面,我不认为这将是一个有用的练习,只是让某人第一次坐在猛禽面前,并要求他们给我们一个关于它有多有用的意见。所以我们达成了妥协。

At the end of last month I ran a short workshop for library staff, going over the main features and operation of Raptor and allowing time for a bit of experimentation and questions. Raptor is installed as a test service at Kent and once placed in the user group these library staff were able to access the application using their usual network username and password (LDAP) from anywhere they were working. I asked the test group to try and find time to experiment with the application over the following weeks and then sent out a link to an online survey asking questions on the user interface, customisation options and the usefulness of the  reports available. The survey featured some straight forward questions abut also asked the users to produce a graph showing authorisations to a specific resource over a specified period. They were then asked to  change the parameters and sort order for this graph and finally to export a pdf of the graph. The survey asked for comments as well as  ranked responses on ease of use and usefulness.

This was a very small test group so we should be wary of too strict an interpretation of the results. However in general the testers gave positive feedback to Raptor. Suggestions were made for improvements to the interface which will be fed back to the developers. At Kent, response times were not always great though this may not be the fault of the software.  More frustrating was the lack of ‘feedback’ during the period after an update had been requested and Raptor producing – or sometimes failing to produce – the requested graph. Users did not  know whether ‘anything was happening or not’.  When updates failed it was not always apparent that  this had happened as the previous version of the graph remianed visible and the Processing Status is not particualrly prominent. These issues are minor ones which I am sure  can be eradicated in future releases – Raptor is still in the early stages of development. Overwhelmingly the group considered Raptor to be a useful tool which would assist them in their work and planning.


https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/ark/2012/11/13/user-feedback-for-the-raptor-application/feed/ 0
评估应用程序 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/ark/2012/09/12/evaluating-the-application/ https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/ark/2012/09/12/evaluating-the-application/#respond 狮子座里昂 2012年9月12日星期三11:00:49 +0000 未分类的 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/ark/?p=16 开云体育主頁(欢迎您)肯特大开云体育app客服学的图书管理员建议了一些报告,我现在已经将它们包含在Raptor中的预配置报告列表中。我们已经安装了应用程序,并且运行良好,可供图书馆工作人员使用,他们将帮助我们评估这项服务。上周我们举办了一个简短的研讨会来介绍图书馆[…]



  • Raptor UI的可用性和用户友好性,以及;
  • 结果报告对图书馆各种角色的工作人员的有用性。报告功能确实允许我们在有限的程度上配置东西,但如果用户想对图形的最终外观有更大程度的控制,可能需要将数据移植到Excel中。特别是pdf报告只能在用户拥有adobeacrobat副本而不仅仅是阅读器的情况下进行编辑。这并不是说pdf格式的报告毫无用处——作为一个快速的快照,它是相当不错的。 Later in the project we will explore how we can integrate the Raptor data with Microsoft Reporting Services which should give us a lot more control over the appearance of reports.

    The workshop produced requests for some data that Raptor does not currently collect and probably never will – for instance a measure of how long a user stayed on a particular e-resource site. This would be difficult even if the log files did store such data. We would need to distinguish between users who just had the resource available on a browser tab or alternative window but who were not actually interacting and those who were searching for data or reading. Not so easy.

    I am sure a common observation from Raptor users is that the drop down parameters are hard to decipher and there are often too many of them – some of no relevance. Again this may be something we can tackle when we look at how we can integrate with Microsoft Reporting Services.

    Workshop participants also identified one or two reports that did not work as expected but I have yet to establish whether this is down to Raptor or to badly configured XML files – which will be down to me….

    I am currently working on an evaluation survey to gather opinions on the usability of Raptor for library staff.

    https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/ark/2012/09/12/evaluating-the-application/feed/ 0 猛禽和数据保护问题 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/ark/2012/08/14/data_protection/ https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/ark/2012/08/14/data_protection/#comments 狮子座里昂 2012年8月14日星期二15:04:58 +0000 未分类的 约柜 数据保护 JISC 猛禽 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/ark/?p=9 在项目的最初几周,观察一个看似相当简单的命题如何迅速展开触角并变得更加复杂总是很有趣的。在肯特已经出现的问题之一是数据保护和长期数据存储。开云体育app客服图书馆工作人员[…] 在项目的最初几周,观察一个看似相当简单的命题如何迅速展开触角并变得复杂得多总是很有趣的。在肯特已经出现的问题之一是数据保护和长期数据存储。开云体育app客服图书馆工作人员希望看到一段时间内的数据趋势——理想情况下长达五年。Raptor提供了所需期间的日志文件,在生成适当的报告方面没有问题。然而,根据欧洲隐私和电子通信指令,关于保存日志文件的一般建议是,我们保留数据的时间不应超过收集数据的特定目的所需的时间。大多数人会说,创建和保存日志文件是为了帮助排除问题并提高安全性——可以分析日志文件以发现不寻常的活动模式。如果这确实是收集数据的目的,那么很难证明保留数据超过几个月是合理的。但是,如果我们使用日志文件来帮助预测使用情况,或者生成简单分析电子资源访问的报告和图表,我们是否需要具体说明我们打算如何处理数据?一所大学和它的用户之间的关系——通常是教职员工和学生之间的关系——有点开云体育主頁(欢迎您)不同于互联网服务提供商和它的用户之间的关系。在前一种情况下,有一个假设,甚至期望数据将保留超过6个月-事实上,为了遵守教育和就业法,组织被要求在整个教育期间保留数据。但5年可能超出了合理的范围。

    The guidelines do not state that we cannot keep the data for longer periods but stipulate that the if we do keep it, it must be anonymised.  Anonymised data is less rich – it may not be possible to extract the type of affiliation from anonymised data for instance, if there is no longer a username to look up.  The problem is not insurmountable but this does bring into focus a more general issue with Raptor and its use by non-technical staff.

    An ideal tool for the library liaison librarians and library management would be one that could deal with ad hoc reports. By its nature, an ad hoc report should not have to be delayed whilst someone in the Learning & Research Department finds time to create it. The seriousness of this may vary across the sector depending on what level of technical expertise exists among library staff. Some university libraries may well have staff who are comfortable with tinkering with the xml to create new and modified reports or who can anonymise data and import the modified logs for Raptor to parse. But many libraries will rely on their IT department to do this work for them. Whilst IT departments will be happy to provide this service it will not always be possible to respond as quickly as the requesters would like.

    I would be interested in hearing other Raptor users views on data protection issues and how they intend to tackle them.

    BTW It feels a little mean criticising Raptor but I guess that is part of the evaluation. So I would like to also say that we think Raptor is a really useful tool and was much needed.


    https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/ark/2012/08/14/data_protection/feed/ 2
    打好基础 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/ark/2012/06/06/hello-world/ https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/ark/2012/06/06/hello-world/#respond 2012年6月6日星期三12:56:52 +0000 未分类的 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/ark/?p=1 在我们成功申办的消息传来后,我们开始工作了。管理到位,准备沟通渠道–比如这个博客页面,sharepoint网站和项目网站。项目计划和JISC项目网站的文本将提交给我们的JISC项目经理–克里斯·布朗[…] 在我们成功竞标的消息传来后,it down to work –管理到位,准备沟通渠道–比如这个博客页面,sharepoint网站和项目网站。项目计划和JISC项目网站的文本将提交给我们的JISC项目经理–克里斯布朗–我很高兴被任命为这个项目的项目经理,并期待着与图书馆的同事们一起工作,实现我们的目标。ARK是一个相对较短的6个月的项目,但我们很幸运,因为项目团队中的许多人已经在试点项目中工作过,并为项目带来了非常受欢迎的经验。UKC项目网站将很快上线并运行,提供项目目的和目标的摘要,以及项目计划和进展报告的链接。这是网站上的一段话,概述了这个项目的内容。jiscs资助的ARK项目将分析大学实施Raptor工具包的影响和潜在收益。开云体育主頁(欢迎您) Raptor is a software suite for the accounting of authentication information, primarily designed to assist organisations account for e-resource usage. Raptor reports will improve our understanding of the demand for, and use of electronic resources, such as journals and databases by the staff and students of the University. Raptor reports will allow us to assess the usage of each Academic school and use this data to explore how we can improve internal charging models.

    Other work to be done in these early days of the project includes setting up the Steering and Implementation groups and agreeing a schedule of meetings for the duration of the project.

    So, in summary, not much to report yet but the project team are very enthusiastic about what ARK can deliver. Prior to the implementation of Raptor the University had been unable to monitor  the use of  e-resources with the level of detail needed to inform strategic planning.  There is little doubt that the impact of the ARK project will be useful, not jsut to Kent but to the wider HE/FE community.

    https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/ark/2012/06/06/hello-world/feed/ 0