对巴巴里狮子的评论 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/barbarylion 北非狮的科学与历史 2018年11月5日星期一16:30:00 +0000 每小时 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.9 狮子原产于印度吗?作者:Simon Black https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/barbarylion/2015/10/05/was-the-lion-ever-native-to-india/#comment-26 西蒙黑 2016年3月24日星期四16:38:25 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/barbarylion/?p=778#comment-26 In reply to <a href="//www.jandeweb.com/barbarylion/2015/10/05/was-the-lion-ever-native-to-india/#comment-25">sword</a>. Thanks for your interest in the site. There is plenty of the genetic evidence on the distinctiveness of various lion populations, including the Asiatic lion (P. l. persica) in India and this is discussed in many articles on this site (recent work by Barnett et al. (2014) is mentioned here), so please check them out. Overall the work on the site represents outputs from many collaborations with scientists in Africa, India, the Middle East and Europe. This particular article aims to raise some of the contemporary questions concerning lions and points out clearly that Thapar and his co-writers concede that they examine this as naturalists and historians, rather than from a deep scientific examination of evidence. There is growing evidence which describes the link between contemporary and historical lion population in India, across the middle east and into North Africa, as a separate group from sub-Saharan African lions. This evidence is mentioned in the article and points to Asiatic lions as being distinct and geographically long-established in the region. I am glad that the post sparked some interest.

在回复。谢谢你对这个网站的兴趣。关于各种狮子种群的独特性,包括印度的亚洲狮(P. l. persica),有大量的遗传证据,本网站的许多文章都对此进行了讨论(这里提到了Barnett et al.(2014)的最新工作),所以请查看它们。总的来说,该网站上的工作代表了与非洲、印度、中东和欧洲科学家的许多合作成果。这篇特别的文章旨在提出一些关于狮子的当代问题,并明确指出,塔帕尔和他的合著者承认,他们是从博物学家和历史学家的角度来研究狮子的,而不是从对证据的深入科学检查来研究。越来越多的证据表明,在印度、中东和北非,当代和历史上的狮子数量之间存在联系,它们是撒哈拉以南非洲狮的一个独立群体。文章中提到了这一证据,并指出亚洲狮是独特的,在地理上长期存在于该地区。我很高兴这个帖子引起了一些兴趣 狮子原产于印度吗?的剑 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/barbarylion/2015/10/05/was-the-lion-ever-native-to-india/#comment-25 2016年3月24日星期四07:42:38 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/barbarylion/?p=778#comment-25 It takes over 5,000 years for their dna coding to change, indian lions have african genetic because they evolved from africa through the middle east, valmik doesnt have any basis of lions not being native only from the theory that tigers drove them out, his assertion of lions brought over by crates doesnt explain that genetically lions evolved differently. Valmik is disputed by the scientific community entirely, and the lions historical basis is assertive to be the oldest big cat in india. Try contacting 10 historians specifically on indian lions that major on them in the 16th century and you'd get a better idea in how much lion records valmik is either hiding or just ignorant about.

It takes over 5,000 years for their dna coding to change, indian lions have african genetic because they evolved from africa through the middle east, valmik doesnt have any basis of lions not being native only from the theory that tigers drove them out, his assertion of lions brought over by crates doesnt explain that genetically lions evolved differently. Valmik is disputed by the scientific community entirely, and the lions historical basis is assertive to be the oldest big cat in india. Try contacting 10 historians specifically on indian lions that major on them in the 16th century and you’d get a better idea in how much lion records valmik is either hiding or just ignorant about.

评论西蒙·布莱克对巴巴里狮子晚期生存和灭绝的洞察 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/barbarylion/2015/09/04/insights-into-late-survival-extinction-of-the-barbary-lion/#comment-19 西蒙黑 2015年9月17日星期四09:58:10 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/barbarylion/?p=836#comment-19 In reply to <a href="//www.jandeweb.com/barbarylion/2015/09/04/insights-into-late-survival-extinction-of-the-barbary-lion/#comment-17">lucass22056</a>. This is the big question! Do pure Barbary lions exist? First it is difficult to know what a pure Barbary lion is (i.e. using genetic information) since there are only small fragments of DNA extracted from a very small number of museum specimens (150 - 200 year old minimum). Any comparisons to modern lions can only be made with these tiny fragments and they only identify the maternal relatedness. This means even hybrid lions might not be detected as having 'Barbary genes'. Theoretically if we knew the level of hybridisation in individual animals we could breed back to a reasonably pure Barbary lion. The science needs to catch up. At this stage it is our best assumptions to keep the animals known to be descendents of the King of Morocco's collection separate form other lions, until we have the technology and will to manage specific selective breeding programme.

In reply to lucass22056. "这是一个大问题!纯正的巴巴里狮存在吗?< / p >

First it is difficult to know what a pure Barbary lion is (i.e. using genetic information) since there are only small fragments of DNA extracted from a very small number of museum specimens (150 – 200 year old minimum). Any comparisons to modern lions can only be made with these tiny fragments and they only identify the maternal relatedness. This means even hybrid lions might not be detected as having ‘Barbary genes’. Theoretically if we knew the level of hybridisation in individual animals we could breed back to a reasonably pure Barbary lion. The science needs to catch up. At this stage it is our best assumptions to keep the animals known to be descendents of the King of Morocco’s collection separate form other lions, until we have the technology and will to manage specific selective breeding programme.

评论:从恐龙到渡渡鸟,或者至少到巴巴里狮子?作者:Simon Black https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/barbarylion/2015/06/08/from-dinosaurs-to-dodos-or-just-as-far-as-the-barbary-lion/#comment-18 西蒙黑 2015年9月17日星期四09:52:06 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/barbarylion/?p=730#comment-18 In reply to <a href="//www.jandeweb.com/barbarylion/2015/06/08/from-dinosaurs-to-dodos-or-just-as-far-as-the-barbary-lion/#comment-14">lucass22056</a>. This is one of the captive lions descended from animals in the Moroccan Royal Collection. Most of these animals are very interesting specimens, particularly the males with their distinctive muzzle shape and magnificent mane.

In reply to lucass22056. "这是摩洛哥皇家收藏中被圈养的狮子的后代之一。这些动物大多数都是非常有趣的标本,尤其是具有独特的口鼻形状和华丽鬃毛的雄性 评论洞察巴巴里狮子的晚期生存和灭绝由lucass22056 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/barbarylion/2015/09/04/insights-into-late-survival-extinction-of-the-barbary-lion/#comment-17 lucass22056 星期三,2015年9月16日17:05:54 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/barbarylion/?p=836#comment-17 纯正的野蛮狮子真的存在吗?我看到很多人对此持怀疑态度。 Simon Black纯正的野蛮狮子真的存在吗?

评论摩洛哥皇家狮子:“谁是谁”由pavel1112 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/barbarylion/2015/05/22/moroccan-royal-lions-whos-who/#comment-16 pavel1112 2015年6月20日星期六12:25:36 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/barbarylion/?p=628#comment-16 嘿,西蒙,是我)沉默之后,我准备了一些问题。其中有一些是您认识的,但也许您可以给我一些关于这个项目和他的发展的最新信息?另外,还有一件事我想建议:不久前我访问了世界自然基金会的网站,发现了一些有趣的新闻。俄罗斯准备了一个在高加索地区重新引进波斯豹的绝妙计划。该项目始于三年前,现在世界自然基金会准备将两只幼豹放归野生动物。所以,也许你会与世界自然基金会分享重新引进巴巴里狮子的想法,它会更成功?希望你能尽快回复) 嘿,西蒙,就是我)沉默之后,我准备了一些问题。其中有一些是您认识的,但也许您可以给我一些关于这个项目和他的发展的最新信息?另外,还有一件事我想建议:不久前我访问了世界自然基金会的网站,发现了一些有趣的新闻。俄罗斯准备了一个在高加索地区重新引进波斯豹的绝妙计划。该项目始于三年前,现在世界自然基金会准备将两只幼豹放归野生动物。所以,也许你会和世界自然基金会分享重新引进巴巴里狮子的想法,这会更成功吗?

评论:从恐龙到渡渡鸟,或者至少到巴巴里狮子?由pavel1112 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/barbarylion/2015/06/08/from-dinosaurs-to-dodos-or-just-as-far-as-the-barbary-lion/#comment-15 pavel1112 2015年6月18日星期四20:45:12 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/barbarylion/?p=730#comment-15 嘿,西蒙,是我)沉默之后,我准备了一些问题。其中有一些是您认识的,但也许您可以给我一些关于这个项目和他的发展的最新信息?另外,我还有一个建议:不久前我访问了世界自然基金会的网站,发现了一些有趣的新闻。俄罗斯准备了一个在高加索地区重新引进波斯豹的绝妙计划。该项目始于三年前,现在世界自然基金会准备将两只幼豹放归野生动物。所以,也许你会和世界自然基金会分享重新引进巴巴里狮子的想法,它会更成功?希望你能尽快回复) 嘿,西蒙,就是我)沉默之后,我准备了一些问题。其中有一些是您认识的,但也许您可以给我一些关于这个项目和他的发展的最新信息?另外,我还有一个建议:不久前我访问了世界自然基金会的网站,发现了一些有趣的新闻。俄罗斯准备了一个在高加索地区重新引进波斯豹的绝妙计划。该项目始于三年前,现在世界自然基金会准备将两只幼豹放归野生动物。所以,也许你会和世界自然基金会分享重新引进巴巴里狮子的想法,这会更成功吗?

评论:从恐龙到渡渡鸟,或者至少到巴巴里狮子?由lucass22056 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/barbarylion/2015/06/08/from-dinosaurs-to-dodos-or-just-as-far-as-the-barbary-lion/#comment-14 lucass22056 2015年6月12日星期五16:47:03 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/barbarylion/?p=730#comment-14 if this is a lion barbary, they are very beautiful, I would love to see one in the wild. http://www.animalsofmontana.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/HP7431rWeiman2.jpg 如果这是一个狮子野蛮人,他们很漂亮,我很想在野外看到一个。< / p >


西蒙·布莱克(Simon Black)对狮子数量下降的评论表明了大规模灭绝 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/barbarylion/2015/03/11/lion-decline-indicates-mass-extinction/#comment-13 西蒙黑 2015年4月13日星期一13:15:45 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/barbarylion/?p=489#comment-13 In reply to <a href="//www.jandeweb.com/barbarylion/2015/03/11/lion-decline-indicates-mass-extinction/#comment-10">pavel1112</a>. Feel free to ask more questions!


欢迎提问!< / p > 西蒙·布莱克(Simon Black)关于人类与野生动物冲突的评论 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/barbarylion/2015/03/20/old-fashioned-human-wildife-conflict/#comment-12 西蒙黑 2015年4月13日星期一13:15:16 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/barbarylion/?p=545#comment-12 In reply to <a href="//www.jandeweb.com/barbarylion/2015/03/20/old-fashioned-human-wildife-conflict/#comment-11">lucass22056</a>. There is no realy well-establised evidence about Barbary lions being bigger than other lions. Measures of length, height, body mass are difficult to compare without standard field methods. Hunters are also prone to exaggeration! The babrabry lion is usually described as a 'medium sized lion'. What appears to be unusual is its body size (depth of chest) relative to its leg length - you get realtively thick-set animals. Of course in males there is also the shaggy mane which amplifies the size of the animal. Have a look at the blog "Big shaggy beast & other myths". The biggest animal in captivity that I have seen was a male at Port Lympne which weighed 250kgs in the 1980s, which is truly huge (siberian tiger size), although I do not know what condition the animal was in, although I discussed this with his keeper and it appears the animal was in its prime. I personally have seen a captive late-adolescent/young adult male weighed in at 185kgs during a transfer - large compared to average sub-saharan or Indian animals in the wild.

In reply to lucass22056. "没有真正可靠的证据表明巴巴里狮比其他狮子更大。如果没有标准的实地方法,很难对长度、高度和体重进行比较。猎人也容易夸张!babrabry狮通常被描述为一个‘中型狮子’。看起来不寻常的是它的身体大小(胸部深度)相对于它的腿长–你会得到非常粗壮的动物。当然,雄性也有蓬松的鬃毛,这放大了动物的大小。看看博客“Big shaggy beast &其他神话# 8221;。The biggest animal in captivity that I have seen was a male at Port Lympne which weighed 250kgs in the 1980s, which is truly huge (siberian tiger size), although I do not know what condition the animal was in, although I discussed this with his keeper and it appears the animal was in its prime. I personally have seen a captive late-adolescent/young adult male weighed in at 185kgs during a transfer – large compared to average sub-saharan or Indian animals in the wild.
