We are good! But we are not psychic!

Oxford alumni event

一种请求我们的校友团队准备活力it Chelmsford, Colchester, Cambridge and Norwich later in the Summer.

Did you know that every year we hold alumni events and reunions all over the UK and in cities all over the world? And that we will send you an email to let you know when we are going to be in your neck of the woods? But obviously that only works if we know where you are. Please see the (recent) email exchange below to see why it really is important to keep your contact details up to date.

Dear University of Kent Alumni Team.

Why have you sent me an invitation to an event in London when I have lived in Oxford for the last 7 years. Surely it can’t be beyond the wit of man (or the university) to work out that however fondly I remember my time at Kent I am hardly likely to travel 125 miles to attend a drinks reception. In future please only send me invitations to events in my area.



Dear (redacted)

Thank you for getting in touch with the alumni team.

Sorry to hear you received an email inviting you to our alumni drinks reception in London when you live in Birmingham. I quite understand your not joining us under the circumstances. It was a really well attended event and I know everyone that did come along very much enjoyed it.

In our defence can I just say that having checked our alumni database it seems this error occurred because you didn’t tell us that you had moved. We do endeavour to target invitations to events geographically – but this only works if you tell us where you are.

Very sadly this means you also missed out on our very successful Kent in Oxford event last year.

If you would like us to tailor any future invitations taking in to account where you live please follow the simple link below to tell us about your change of address.


We very much look forward to seeing you at an alumni reunion near you in the future.

Very best wishes

The Alumni Team

You see we really do enjoy meeting you and finding out all your news. And every year we go out of our way to visit as many of you as we can. But it only works if we know where you are. So, don’t be (redacted). Just click here to update your contact detailswww.kent.ac.uk/alumni/updateand we will do the rest!

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