文化创意产业学会新闻 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/institute-cultural-creative-industries-news 激发想象力、创造力和创新 周四,2023年3月23日11:25:18 +0000 en - us 每小时 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.9 SHIFT -重新定义我们看待大学的方式开云体育主頁(欢迎您) https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/institute-cultural-creative-industries-news/2023/03/23/shift-reframing-the-way-we-look-at-our-开云体育主頁(欢迎您)university/ 艾琳Hartney 周四,2023年3月23日11:25:18 +0000 未分类的 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/institute-cultural-creative-industries-news/?p=560 3月24日星期五,一个不同寻常的节日将在肯特郡举行,所以我们采访了SHIFT背后的人:重新架构开云体育app客服,重塑。Richard Layzell …< a href = " https://bl开云体育app客服ogs.kent.ac.uk/institute-cultural-creative-industries-news/2023/03/23/shift-reframing-the-way-we-look-at-开云体育主頁(欢迎您)our-university/ " >读# 160;更多的< / > 3月24日星期五,一个不同寻常的节日在肯特郡拉开帷幕,所以我们采访了SHIFT背后的人:重构,重塑。开云体育app客服< / p >

Richard Layzell is an artist and curator, commissioned by iCCi to look at the University and the people here in new ways. Over the course of 18 months he has delved into departments and divisions, talked to staff and students and the outcome of his conversations is SHIFT – a festival of talks, tours and pop up events on the Canterbury campus.

What inspired you to create this festival?

My brief as an iCCi Associate Artist at is to make connections across the University, in relation to creativity.

Last summer I was having ideas for many events happening in different ways with Divisions and in the landscape, and suddenly had the idea of putting it all together as a festival and the title ‘Shift: reframe reshape’ came to me, as a way to explain that its aims would be to see things, people and places differently.

Were there any key moments or places from the past 18 months in residence at Kent that have shaped SHIFT?

The campus in Canterbury is very particular and unusual. It is so integrated into the landscape and there are so many different styles of architecture across a wide area. Each building relates to when it was designed and who it was designed for. For example, to compare Marlowe, Eliot, Jarman, Sibson and the Medical School, is quite something. And each building has had a communal area designed into it on the ground floor.

I wondered how often people visit other buildings. Do most students only go to the buildings they need for their courses. Do they notice the landscape, the integrated woodland?

Then I started to see the Templeman Library as a really important focus for the campus as a whole, and I wanted to work with them on some events, like the idea of ‘Whispered Word’ readings.

Many events in SHIFT are described as ‘Flectures’. Can you explain what this is?

A Flecture is an alternative approach to an event that involves people as an audience and as participants. It could be something between a lecture and a workshop, but it’s not the same as either of those conventions. It’s full of surprises and changes.

The format of a lecture is really open to question. As part of a seated audience most people’s active attention span is about 20 minutes, which is why TED Talks came to be the length they are, 18 mins. Can lecture theatres be used differently? Are they redundant?

I want Flectures to place audience members, students and presenters in a more dynamic position. I believe everything is open to question – and should be.

Of the events and Flectures planned, what one are you most excited about?

To have a public event with a world-leading scientist in a concert hall, and to be asking him questions he’s never been asked before (about the place of creativity in his research). To have an event about ecology, art activism and the law in an actual law court is also special. But to be honest, I’m excited about everything.

What have you most enjoyed during the creation of SHIFT?

The challenge. Collaborating with people I would never normally meet. Having ideas that suddenly come to mind, sometimes the simplest thing, for example, it just recently struck me that the exhibition Birth Rights is spread across many buildings and it would be good to host a tour of the exhibition for the public and students during Shift, so I’ve pursued that and we’ve been very pleased to have the curator, Helen Knowles, leading the tour in the second week of Shift. I should say that I’m a lecturer myself. I really value students and would like them to feel that they are the heart of the University.

SHIFT runs from Mar to May and details of all events can be found on the Gulbenkian website. Click here to go to the SHIFT festival page.


出生仪式收集:3月28日星期二17:30-19:00亲自参观 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/institute-cultural-creative-industries-news/2023/03/23/birth-rites-collection-in-person-tour-tuesday-28-march-1730-1900/ 艾琳Hartney 2023年3月23日星期四10:39:15 +0000 未分类的 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/institute-cultural-creative-industries-news/?p=558 作为我们SHIFT节的一部分,出生仪式收藏总监兼策展人海伦·诺尔斯将亲自带领参观…< a href = " https://bl开云体育app客服ogs.kent.ac.uk/institute -文化创意产业- news/2023/03/23/birth仪式-收集-在周二-人-旅游- 28 - 3月- 1730 1900/”>读# 160;更多的< / >

作为我们SHIFT Festival,出生仪式收藏总监兼策展人海伦·诺尔斯将亲自带领参观坎特伯雷校园目前展出的作品。参加BIRTH RITES COLLECTION的亲自参观之旅,这是世界上第一个以分娩为主题的当代艺术收藏。藏品包括摄影、雕塑、绘画、艺术家书籍、印刷品、壁纸、素描、新媒体和电影。在坎特伯雷的肯特大学进行亲自参观。开云体育主頁(欢迎您)开云体育app客服完整的参加说明将在参观开始前24小时发出。这次旅行是Shift音乐节的一部分。< / p >

SHIFT FESTIVAL: Redefining the University as a playground of exchange and activity, SHIFT: reframe, reshape is a festival of invitation and surprise, where schools, buildings and people are shaken and stirred. From the Medical School to the Library, from the Law School to the Sports Centre, from the Business School to the Chatham Dockyard. Public spaces, communal areas, outdoor spaces, corridors, and perceived boundaries between academic disciplines, are all open to question.

FREE to all University staff and students – but please book here


Elevate: Slow Conference -由iCCi研究员Mo pietroni - spend撰写的博客文章 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/institute-cultural-creative-industries-news/2023/03/21/elevate-slow-conference-blog-post-by-icci-fellow-mo-pietroni-spenst/ 艾琳Hartney 星期二,2023年3月21日14:13:29 +0000 未分类的 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/institute-cultural-creative-industries-news/?p=555 莫·彼得罗尼·斯派斯特(Mo Pietroni spend)是一名自由表演制作人、制作人、主持人和研究员。莫领导了Elevate的交付:可访问、包容和…< a href = " https://bl开云体育app客服ogs.kent.ac.uk/institute-cultural-creative-industries-news/2023/03/21/elevate-slow-conference-blog-post-by-icci-fellow-mo-pietroni-spenst/ " >读# 160;更多的< / >

Mo Pietroni spst是一名自由表演制作人,制作人,主持人和研究人员

Mo正在领导Elevate:在无障碍、包容和残疾人主导的艺术领域的缓慢会议。< / p >

The slow conference includes a blend of physical and virtual skills workshops, presentations, roundtable discussions and networking opportunities, demonstrating successful models of professional practice where disabled artists’ and participants’ wellbeing is intrinsic to high quality arts production. 

We asked Mo to explain a bit more about the concept.

What’s a slow conference then? Have you created this – or does it exist already?

I heard the phrase ‘slow conference’ from another event, and it was the first time I’d heard it, and I thought eureka! That’s just what people like me with energy limitations need! So, thanks to that person for sparking the idea.

Tell us about your slow conference  – what is happening?

The slow conference will be a three-week programme of events in accessible, disabled-led and inclusive arts practice. It will have all the oomph you’d expect from a standard two day conference, but spread out so there’s time to dip into events you want, without feeling overwhelmed by back-to-back presentations. We’ll have seminars, artist platforms, workshops and networking events and lots of events are online. Access is embedded through things like access facilitators, rest breaks and quiet spaces, and we can also arrange for any additional support you might need.

Who is it for and how do they get involved/tickets to attend?

Elevate is for anyone working in inclusive or accessible arts, whether they’re an artist or an organisation wanting to learn new skills. We’ve been supported by public funding from the national lottery through Arts Council England, so all the events are free to attend. We also have a travel fund for anyone wanting to come in person but who might find the cost of the journey a barrier – they can just email us and we’ll be ready to help. You can book tickets on the Gulbenkian website and let us know any particular access needs you have when you book as well.

Who do you have speaking/leading sessions at the conference?

We have some great organisations on board! There will be seminars led by industry experts like Battersea Arts Centre and Arts Council England, as well as local companies and artists in different areas of accessible practice.

How has your iCCi Fellowship supported the slow conference?

The fellowship has meant that I can work in partnership with the Gulbenkian, who have been really supportive of Elevate and are hosting all the live events. They’ve been working on the accessibility of their offering across their programme too so we’re all on the journey together to deliver Elevate.

Lastly – Should all conferences be slow conferences?

I think we all need to be more conscious of what access means, to each of us. Whether you have additional needs because of a disability, or need to take a more flexible approach to work because of childcare, slower processes make sense for a lot of us. The changes in working patterns during lockdown made a lot of people reconsider how they work best and the different ways we can be productive, and going slow is part of that. So yes, I’d like to see more slow conferences!

3月27日至30日,难民故事:行走的探究展 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/institute-cultural-creative-industries-news/2023/03/21/refugee-tales-walking-inquiry-exhibition-27-30-march/ 艾琳Hartney 星期二,2023年3月21日12:47:03 +0000 未分类的 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/institute-cultural-creative-industries-news/?p=551 启动活动:加入我们的电影放映和讨论即将到来的展览。3月28日星期二下午6点–下午7点格里蒙德演讲厅3号…< a href = " https://bl开云体育app客服ogs.kent.ac.uk/institute-cultural-creative-industries-news/2023/03/21/refugee-tales-walking-inquiry-exhibition-27-30-march/ " >读# 160;更多的< / >

< strong>肯特大学格里蒙德讲堂3

<开云体育主頁(欢迎您)p><开云体育app客服img loading="lazy" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-552" src="//www.jandeweb.com/institute-cultural-creative-industries-news/files/2023/03/1-flyer-front.png" alt="" width="1409" height="2000" />


Elevate:以包容、无障碍和残疾人主导的艺术为主题的缓慢会议 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/institute-cultural-creative-industries-news/2023/03/20/elevate-slow-conference-in-inclusive-accessible-and-disabled-led-arts/ 艾琳Hartney 星期一,2023年3月20日12:51:18 +0000 未分类的 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/institute-cultural-creative-industries-news/?p=544 这个创新的活动计划旨在庆祝肯特郡和梅德韦郡的许多艺术家和公司在无障碍、包容和残疾人主导的艺术实践中工作。开云体育app客服分布在…< a href = " https://bl开云体育app客服ogs.kent.ac.uk/institute-cultural-creative-industries-news/2023/03/20/elevate-slow-conference-in-inclusive-accessible-and-disabled-led-arts/ " >读# 160;更多的< / >

这个创新的活动计划庆祝许多艺术家和公司在肯特和梅德韦从事无障碍、包容和残疾人主导的艺术实践。开云体育app客服< / p >

Spread over three weeks, the ‘slow’ conference aims to be as inclusive as possible and includes a blend of online and shared-space events, with rest breaks and access built-in.

Elevate will bring together local artists, practitioners, researchers and venues as well as guest speakers from companies including Stopgap Dance Company, Access All Areas, Battersea Arts Centre and Arts Council England.

We’re offering a diverse range of events, from skill-building seminars, practical workshops, roundtable discussions, artist sharings, and networking opportunities. So whether you’re an independent artist wanting to upskill your work, or an organisation looking to enhance your accessibility, there’s an event for everyone.


To avoid financial barriers, all Elevate events are free to attend, but booking is essential. We also have a small bursary available to people for whom the cost of travelling to shared-space events is a barrier. Just get in touch via email and we will be happy to help you.

Full details and booking

创意肯特音乐节- 开云体育app客服SHIFT:重构,重塑 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/institute-cultural-creative-industries-news/2023/03/14/creative-kent-festival-shift-reframe-reshape/ 艾琳Hartney 星期二,2023年3月14日12:21:56 +0000 未分类的 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/institute-cultural-creative-industries-news/?p=539 由Gulbenkian副艺术家Richard Layzell策划,由ICCI制作,SHIFT旨在重塑和重塑我们对大学的看法。开云体育主頁(欢迎您)与主持人…< a href = " https://bl开云体育app客服ogs.kent.ac.uk/institute-cultural-creative-industries-news/2023/03/14/creative-kent-festival-shift-reframe-reshape/ " >读# 160;更多的< / > 由Gulbenkian副艺术家Richard Layzell策划,ICCI制作,SHIFT旨在重塑和重塑我们对大学的看法。开云体育主頁(欢迎您)


关于Richard Layzell

Richard Layzell自20世纪80年代以来一直是现场艺术、视频和装置领域的领先创新者。他曾受到英国大多数主要公共画廊和博物馆的委托,并完成了许多国际艺术家驻留。他开创了社会参与实践,并与国内和国际上许多不同的社区合作。


  设计灯具直播系列 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/institute-cultural-creative-industries-news/2023/03/13/design-luminaries-live-stream-series/ 艾琳Hartney 2023年3月13日星期一09:21:18 +0000 未分类的 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/institute-cultural-creative-industries-news/?p=536 DESIGN LUMINARIES,我们与设计博物馆的合作伙伴。肯特大学马洛演讲厅。开云体育主頁(欢迎您)开云体育app客服日常生活的练习2023年3月14日星期二,18.30 - …< a href = " https://bl开云体育app客服ogs.kent.ac.uk/institute-cultural-creative-industries-news/2023/03/13/design-luminaries-live-stream-series/ " >读# 160;更多的< / >


肯特大学马洛演讲厅。开云体育主頁(欢迎您)开云体育app客服< / p >

A Practice for Everyday Life
TUESDAY 14 MARCH 2023, 18.30 – 19.40

Join us for the third event in our new series of conversations with eminent and inspirational designers, live-streamed to partner Higher Education Institutes across the UK.

This time, we’ll be joined by the graphic design studio ‘A Practice for Everyday Life’ (APFEL).

Founded by Kirsty Carter and Emma Thomas, the studio has established its international recognition, celebrating the collaborative work with like-minded art institutions and individuals.

With attention to object quality and materiality at the core, the studio creates original designs exploring the relationship between process, material and concept.

Reflecting on the 20 years of the studio’s history, Founding Director, Emma Thomas will delve into its inception, growth and vision.

YOUNOME展览重返坎特伯雷校园 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/institute-cultural-creative-industries-news/2023/03/09/younome-exhibition-returns-to-canterbury-campus/ 艾琳Hartney Thu, 09 march 2023 08:41:49 +0000 未分类的 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/institute-cultural-creative-industries-news/?p=534 YouNome -肯开云体育app客服特和梅德韦医学院,梨楼,一楼,学生空间在梅德韦成功干预后,YouNome现在重新展出…< a href = " https://bl开云体育app客服ogs.kent.ac.uk/institute-cultural-creative-industries-news/2023/03/09/younome-exhibition-returns-to-canterbury-campus/ " >读# 160;更多的< / >

YouNome -肯开云体育app客服特和梅德韦医学院,梨楼,一楼,学生空间

在梅德韦成功干预后,YouNome现在重新在坎特伯雷校园展出。< / p >

This exciting and thought-provoking art-science collaboration between artist Keith Robinson and Biosciences researchers Dr Gary Robinson and Professor Darren Griffin explores genomics in a novel way through a series of Keith’s self-portraits, demonstrating the impact of individual chromosomes.

YouNome – Your personalised genome in 25 portraits 

YouNome is a unique science-art collaboration designed to engage, educate and inspire the general public about ‘personalised genomics’.

Keith Robinson, a renowned portrait artist, has produced 25 portraits, each representing the 24 human chromosomes (plus mitochondria DNA) by altering his self-image.

Collaborating with Darren Griffin (Professor of Genetics at the University of Kent), Dr Gary Robinson (Kent Innovation and Enterprise) and Robbie Sutton (Professor of Social Psychology, Kent), Keith aimed to facilitate genetic understanding and reference art history, popular culture and effects on the viewer.

Each portrait represents one human chromosome.

Each one depicts an aspect of genetics (e.g. disease, variation, evolution, gene-environment interaction) and reflect certain artistic style (e.g. Van Gogh, Hieronymus Bosch, Cindy Sherman, Fernando Botero, watercolour, hand touched photograph.


The exhibition is open and FREE to all!

For more information, contact icci@kent.ac.uk

创意肯特:新展览庆开云体育app客服祝护理经验丰富和疏远的年轻人 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/institute-cultural-creative-industries-news/2023/02/28/creative-kent-new-exhibition-celebrates-care-experienced-and-estranged-young-people/ 艾琳Hartney 周二,2023年2月28日11:04:46 +0000 未分类的 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/institute-cultural-creative-industries-news/?p=523 开云体育主頁(欢迎您)肯特大开云体育app客服学的学生和工作人员受邀探索由Unite基金会赞助的展览This is Home,展出摄影师Dannii …< a href = " https://bl开云体育app客服ogs.kent.ac.uk/institute-cultural-creative-industries-news/2023/02/28/creative-kent-new-exhibition-celebrates-care-experienced-and-estranged-young-people/ " >读# 160;更多的< / > 肯特大开云体育主頁(欢迎您)学的学开云体育app客服生和工作人员被邀请探索This is Home,这是一个由联合基金会赞助的展览,展出摄影师Dannii Jones的肖像。< / p >

The exhibition aims to provoke conversation, challenge stigma, and positively influence change for care experienced and estranged students.

The exhibition is free and open to all and will be on display in the Templeman Library, Block A foyer, from 3rd to 17 March.

The Unite Foundation delivers a uniquely impactful university accommodation scholarship for care experienced and estranged students across the UK.

Following their 10th birthday, the Foundation commissioned photographer Dannii Jones to take portraits that share the stories, hopes and dreams of former Unite Foundation scholarship students.

Kent’s Outreach and Widening Participation team has organised several events for our own students and also external participants to engage with the exhibition, including a free event for students who are care experienced or estranged to join a workshop to recognise your skills, get a striking professional profile picture captured, and immerse yourself in this inspiring photographic exhibition!

Go to Outreach Latest News for details of all events.


iCCi与Create South East合作 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/institute-cultural-creative-industries-news/2023/02/14/national-create-growth-programme-icci-partnership-with-create-south-east/ 艾琳Hartney 星期二,2023年2月14日10:45:22 +0000 未分类的 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/institute-cultural-creative-industries-news/?p=517 肯特大学文化与创意产业研究所宣布与Create东南合作。开云体育主頁(欢迎您)开云体育app客服东南部的创意企业…< a href = " https://bl开云体育app客服ogs.kent.ac.uk/institute-cultural-creative-industries-news/2023/02/14/national-create-growth-programme-icci-partnership-with-create-south-east/ " >读# 160;更多的< / > 肯特大学文化与创意产业研究所宣布与strong>Create东南合作。开云体育主頁(欢迎您)开云体育app客服东南部的创意企业正在得到支持,以发展他们的业务!< / p >

Ambitious creative business owners in Essex, Kent and Sussex can now benefit from a special programme of support designed to help them prepare for future financial investment and help them to scale and grow their businesses.

Following funding from the UK Government last year, the Create South East Investment Readiness Programme is being launched to provide support for high-growth potential businesses in the creative industries through the development of the knowledge and skills needed to access investment.

The programme starts this Spring and runs to 2025.

“Our region is full of incredible creative talent. Create South East is here to bring our
collective expertise and experience, so whether you work in architecture, design, fashion,
films, games, performance or tv, let’s take your ambitions a step closer to being a business
reality.” Angels@Essex, Creative UK, Screen South, Wired Sussex – proud delivery partners of Create South East

Business owners can benefit from 1-2-1 expert mentoring to help address challenges, explore opportunities and develop new networks.

There will also be tailored workshops covering business foundations and discipline or sub sector- specific challenges, along with the opportunity to meet and pitch for investment as part of the national Create Growth Programme

Create South East is a consortium of businesses, agencies and local government bodies who have come together to work with national statutory agencies to deliver the South East part of the national Create Growth Programme.

• Does your business have creativity at its heart? (eg: design, fashion, architecture, fi lm, broadcast, createch, gaming, immersive, publishing, music, theatre, art, heritage, craft, media).

• Are you operating in Kent, Essex or Sussex?

• Are you ready to take the next big step on your journey to grow your business?

Create South East is designed to help creative businesses like yours.

The programme will support you to develop the skills to secure investment so that you can achieve your ambitions for
your company to grow. It is tailored to the needs of different creative disciplines, their respective markets, governance and distribution models.

Head to the website and fill out an Expression of Interest form.

