KMTV https://blogs.开云体育app客服 为肯特郡制作的电视开云体育app客服 2022年5月18日星期三11:54:29 +0000 en - us 每小时 1 开云体育主頁(欢迎您)肯特大开云体育app客服学毕业生关于日本气候危机的纪录片将在KMTV播出 https://blogs.开云体育app客服 sw208 2022年5月18日星期三11:50:36 +0000 KMTV 新闻 气候变化 纪录片 研究生 国际 日本 旅游 https://blogs.开云体育app客服 一部关于肯特大学研究气候变化对日本旅游业影响的新纪录片即将在&#开云体育主頁(欢迎您)8217;开云体育app客服< a href = " https://bl开云体育app客服 " >读# 160;更多的< / > 一部关于肯特大学研究气候变化对日本旅游业影响的新纪录片将很快在KMTV播出。开云体育主頁(欢迎您)开云体育app客服




该纪录片由前肯特大学Master’s学生Ayaka Shida-开云体育主頁(欢迎您)Sasaki制作,与前人类学和自然保护学院研究员Takahiro Kubo博士和KMTV合作。shida - sasaki夫人的首部纪录片完全是在静冈县滨拿湖拍摄的,当时对COVID-19采取了严格的限制措施。


电影改编自肯特大学开云体育主頁(欢迎您)前学者开云体育app客服久保隆宏博士的研究,他曾表示,到2100年,日本大部分海滩将会消失。 “We are in a race against time to understand the impact these changes will have on my country’s beloved beaches. We are also losing time to do something about it,” he said. “I hope the film will raise awareness about this vital issue and get the public and governments alike to act.”

The film demonstrates the scale at which climate change is changing the country’s physical and economic landscape. Clam fishing is a ‘must-do’ in Lake Hamana, bringing in around 300-400,000 tourists annually. This once popular pastime is experiencing a sharp, potentially fatal decline.. “Last year, we caught 700 tonnes of clams,” says local fisherman Ryuji Tokumasu. “This year, it’s less than 100 tonnes.”


Coastal Tourism: Japan’s Sinking Sector will premiere on KMTV at 12:45 on Monday 23 May

绿色…… https://blogs.开云体育app客服 sw208 2022年3月9日星期三09:22:09 +0000 KMTV 环境 绿色 可持续性 电视 https://blogs.开云体育app客服 & # 160;& # 160;& # 160;& # 160;& # 160;& # 160;& # 160;KMTV致力于使电影和电视制作成为一个更可持续的产业。作为我们努力的一部分,…< a href = " https://bl开云体育app客服 " >读# 160;更多的< / >

Girl holding green leaf








作为我们努力的一部分,KMTV制作人&;行政助理Mariam Yacoub最近参加了可持续发展培训,并正在实施‘绿色备忘录’所有产品都将遵守这一规定。《绿色备忘录》涵盖了可持续发展的方方面面,从办公室印刷政策到旅行政策,再到使用可充电设备而不是一次性设备。这份备忘录只是一个开始,在2022年3月23日kmtv的新气候变化节目,肯特的气候将看看整个郡的环境问题:从变化的气候如何影响肯特人,到这里的人们正在做什么来应对危机。开云体育app客服主持人兼制片人Jadzia Samuel将报道当地环境新闻,并在演播室与专家嘉宾交谈,深入了解这些话题。开云体育app客服《肯特谈气候》将于每周三下午6:30 -7点在Freeview频道7,Virgin 159或通过KMTV在线直播。







KMTV的《电视之年》 https://blogs.开云体育app客服 sw208 2022年1月24日星期一15:14:11 +0000 KMTV 教育 就业能力 信息 技能 学生 工作经验 http://blogs.开云体育app客服 所有肯特的学生!开云体育app客服你有没有想过拍电视剧会是什么样子,或者会是怎样…< a href = " https://bl开云体育app客服 " >读# 160;更多的< / >





该计划适用于所有阶段2和3肯特大学的学生*,没有以前的经验要求。开云体育主頁(欢迎您)开云体育app客服我们专业的、屡获殊荣的团队将教授您在工作中所需要知道的一切。作为课程的一部分,你将有机会进入KMTV演播室,并将学习如何使用摄像机、灯光、音响设备、编辑软件以及如何运营演播室。在这一年里,你将参加一个工作安置模块,包括在KMTV的各种不同角色的定期轮班,学习如何在现场演播室环境中工作,并为不同的平台创建真实的内容。您还将完成自己的项目,其中包括为该频道创建一个节目。 Your tutors will include full-time professional television producers.

To find out more and to apply see our web page


















*Grade requirements apply

我们是谁? https://blogs.开云体育app客服 sw208 2021年12月15日星期三10:17:15 +0000 KMTV 信息 工作人员 团队 http://blogs.开云体育app客服 & # 160;KMTV创意制作是一个由制作人、摄像师和技术人员组成的小团队,为高等教育、电视和商业部门创建数字媒体。& # 160;& # 8230;< a href = " https://bl开云体育app客服 " >读# 160;更多的< / > KMTV创意制作公司是一个由制片人、摄像师、技术人员组成的小团队,为高等教育、电视和商业部门创造数字媒体。


Andy Richards

Andy Richards是KMTV的现任频道总监。二十多年来,安迪为ITV、BBC和KMTV制作了数百个电视节目,其中包括英国电影学院为年轻观众制作的六集关于遗传学的非虚构科学系列节目《一代基因组》。





Sadie Appleby






Cameron Tucker






Isabelle Miller

I’m a Senior Producer on the creative team and I look after projects from promotional videos and events, to documentaries around the world and TV shows back here in the UK. I completed a degree in journalism and spent years as a news reporter before becoming a producer. Now I get to create fascinating long-form content that not only informs the public but me as well!






Mark Simmonite

Mark is the Technical Coordinator for KMTV and oversees and works on everything from our studio space to our documentary shoots.






Ella Craker

I started my career in television working on the ITV series ‘Love Island’ after graduating from Ravensbourne. I joined the KMTV team as a Producer in 2021 so that I could have the opportunity to work on a wider range of projects. Since starting with KMTV I have taken the lead on production management and worked on some great projects such as live-streamed Open Days, Law teaching modules.





Mariam Yacoub

As a recent graduate in Biomedical Science from the University of Kent, I started my career as a science communicator and joined the KMTV team in 2021 as an Assistant Producer working on special projects such as Generation Genome. KMTV is leading the field in higher education engagement, creating impactful and informative content for both academic and non-academic audiences. I believe in honest, accessible and engaging communication, especially in the fields of science and medicine. At KMTV I am able to help produce content that will make a difference and teach people the science that is important to them.




To learn more about KMTV Creative Productions check out our website

KMTV受邀参加COP26! https://blogs.开云体育app客服 sw208 2021年11月24日星期三11:30:51 +0000 KMTV 新闻 气候变化 cop26 环境 影响 新闻 publicengagement http://blogs.开云体育app客服 KMTV因其地区新闻报道而被邀请参加COP26。视频记者Jadzia Samual代表KMTV团队发现…< a href = " https://bl开云体育app客服 " >读# 160;更多的< / > KMTV因其地区新闻报道而被邀请参加COP26。视频记者Jadzia Samual代表KMTV团队发现COP26会谈如何影响Kent…开云体育app客服





KMTV受邀参加在格拉斯哥的Extreme Hangouts中心举行的几次会议,与主要的政治活动同时举行。 This venue saw climate activists and experts discussing key topics in conjunction with the central summit.


I visited Glasgow on behalf of KMTV to attend the Oceans Day conferences. I met activists from the county and experts from across the world, all of whom shone a light on the hidden issues lying beneath the county’s waters.

One activist and marine biologist from Faversham, Madeline St. Clair, spoke to crowds about the importance of preserving coral reefs. Although these reefs are thousands of miles away, their preservation is uniquely important even in Kent: with 25% of marine life relying on coral at one stage in their lives, Madeline explained how dying corals may impact food supply and fishing in the county.

Another expert in marine life and plastic pollution, Dr Lauren Biermann, gave talks about the rising dangers of micro-plastics – not only on our oceans, but also on human health. Kent has one of the largest stretches of coastline of any English county, meaning plastic pollution in the sea impacts us uniquely. Thanet MP Craig Mackinlay supported calls to reduce plastics, and the government has since launched a consultation into banning single use plastic.

Overall, the political outcome of COP26 was one of the most significant climate treaties to date; global leaders agreed to “phase down” the use of coal, aiming to keep temperature rises below 1.5 degrees this century.

But beyond that, the fortnight in Glasgow served to highlight climate change activism across Kent, the UK, and around the world. It allowed experts from the county a chance to voice their concerns on a global stage and drew attention to the need for everyone to play their part.

Written by Jadzia Samuel, Video Journalist, KMTV

开放日又回来了! https://blogs.开云体育app客服 sw208 2021年10月18日星期一14:05:55 +0000 未分类的 http://blogs.开云体育app客服 在Covid-19大流行期间,大学‘开放日&#开云体育主頁(欢迎您)8217;已被虚拟举行–全球各地的家长和学生都无法参观…< a href = " https://bl开云体育app客服 " >读# 160;更多的< / >



开云体育app客服肯特的营销、外联、招聘和招生主任表示,KMTV直播的开放日一直是 '最受欢迎的元素' 与在线群组。



我们的现场主播和制片人Rachael Lewis写下了她的经历:


Throughout the open days we interviewed loads of different people getting an insight into what life is like at Kent, and what the process is like for students who want to apply. Considering this was the first open day in almost 2 years, the atmosphere was incredible.The live stream itself was 4 hours long, showing our reports and interviews, videos of campus life and a “social wall” which had tweets that people had been posting with #UniKentOpenDay, making the whole day really inclusive and exciting. 

I felt really lucky to be the one to give them an insight into what life could be like at the University of Kent. I was once a student at the university, which has made this a really fun project to work on as I really can talk from personal experience about things I did at the university, a real full circle moment! 

I am really looking forward to our next Canterbury open day on the 23rd October. We are even going to have a big pop up screen on campus to play the stream out, so even more people can watch the behind the scene access to life at Kent. Hope to see you there!

Written by Rachael Lewis, Assistant Producer, KMTV Creative Productions



什么是“一代基因组”? https://blogs.开云体育app客服 sw208 2021年10月11日星期一13:16:44 +0000 未分类的 孩子们 遗传学 KMTV 科学 电视连续剧 http://blogs.开云体育app客服 一代基因组是KMTV创意制作公司最新的特别项目,它确实非常特别。由英国电影学院资助,大学…开云体育主頁(欢迎您)< a href = " https://bl开云体育app客服 " >读# 160;更多的< / >

 width=Generation Genome is KMTV Creative Productions最新的特别项目,它确实非常特别。这部由英国电影学院、肯特大学和KMTV赞助的系列纪录片是对科学研究的证明。开云体育主頁(欢迎您)开云体育app客服








We were able to share in the enthusiasm and talent of some young fossil hunters and Britain’s youngest falconers who are using our knowledge of ancient DNA to inform how we conserve our wildlife today.

In September, a massive and ambitious endeavour to take our set and crew back around the UK to meet with schools and talk about genetics began. With the help of experts and those affected by these conversations making up our panel, we started filming our “GG Group Chats”. This is where children get to actually watch the documentary for the first time and ask all their burning questions to the panel. 

It has been inspiring to say the least, to hear the questions and opinions of young people in the country, to see how interested they are in the world of genetics. It is clear that this documentary will contribute to the collection of valuable genetic research and resources that will be handed down to our young people. The best part is that the information is coming straight from field experts, teachers, patients and children themselves.

Here at KMTV we plan to continue to make content that is this impactful, and will inform and inspire the next generation.


The Generation Genome series will launch on KMTV in Spring 2022 



Written by Mariam Yacoub, Assistant Producer, KMTV Creative Productions

KMTV创意制作纪录片入围RIFA2021! https://blogs.开云体育app客服 sw208 2021年10月6日星期三09:00:58 +0000 未分类的 纪录片 影响 KMTV publicengagement 研究 http://blogs.开云体育app客服 & # 160;KMTV于2019年成立的摄像和电影部门KMTV创意制作公司(KMTV Creative Productions)因与…< a href = " https://bl开云体育app客服 " >读# 160;更多的< / >



KMTV创意制作, KMTV于2019年推出的摄像和电影部门,已被提名纪录片《保护宫殿》,由肯特大学研究员亨里克·舍恩菲尔德联合制作。开云体育主頁(欢迎您)开云体育app客服它入围了两个奖项‘年度最佳研究电影’以及“灵感奖”‘by the Arts &人文研究委员会结果将于2021年12月1日公布#RIFA2021

这部短小的纪实性纪录片关注威斯敏斯特宫的环境原则,询问世界上最伟大的标志性建筑之一能否实现碳中和?保护宫殿这部电影可以通过KMTV的网站以及Think Kent系列的其他纪录片

KMTV成功了!” https://blogs.开云体育app客服 sw208 2021年10月6日星期三08:55:20 +0000 未分类的 KMTV 工作人员 http://blogs.开云体育app客服 18个月来,我们所熟悉的世界被Covid-19大流行搞得天翻地覆。虽然我们大多数人都呆了…< a href = " https://bl开云体育app客服 " >读# 160;更多的< / >



  • 肯特年度专题记者(广播)
    • 乔·科山,KMTV
    • 菲尔·威尔布鲁克,KMTV
  • Kent >< ul>开云体育app客服
  • Katya Fowler, KMTV
  • Tommaso Dimiddio, KMTV
  • Ollie Collins, KMTV
  • 尼尔·贝尔·Kent年度体育记者< ul>
  • 奥利·柯林斯,KMTV
  • 乔·科山,KMTV
  • 2020年大奖< ul>
  • KMTV
  • : "font-weight: 400">< /span>

    “获奖对我来说是一个巨大的冲击,因为我面对的是激烈的竞争。这是我第二次入围该奖项,所以最终获奖是不可思议的。 I’m so glad awards like this exist to highlight the newer journalists in this huge industry. It just goes to show what amazing opportunities KMTV can bring your way!” Katya Fowler

    Another KMTV reporter Tommaso Dimiddio received Highly commended in the same category.

    Being shortlisted first and then highly commended for this year’s Kent new journalist makes me so proud. It really shows how far I’ve come since moving out of my home country to study journalism in the UK back in 2016. Since the first day I came through the KMTV newsroom door as an intern, this TV station has provided me with an exciting platform to explore the profession in so many different ways. I am so curious to see what more is yet to come!” Tommaso Dimiddio

