

我一直很喜欢动物。我最喜欢的动物是马,速度快,灵活,人人都知道的神奇动物。我的第一匹马很漂亮,我用威严的名字给她取名为“陛下”,然后我开始跳上跳下,笑得像个疯子。她又黑又漂亮又大,我骑着她到处走。但问题是她从未动过。直到我10岁的时候,我才发现那从来不是一匹马,那是一匹摇摆马。我仍然留着它,因为我仍然很开心。终于拥有了对我来说意味着整个世界的东西。我终于有了一些很酷的东西。我终于有了自己喜欢的东西。 Now I have a whole stable full of horses on the plains of Italy. My favourite is called midnight. She is full of joy and ready to race again, she is always loving and would never attack anyone even if they would pester her to annoyance. However the other horses have changed, I bet they felt imprisoned because after I had children it is too dangerous to go on the track because nobody can look after my children. I bet that you are saying “why can’t your husband look after them?” And I will answer that exact question. He died fishing for dinner as he had a heart attack when he was bitten by a snake. I noticed I haven’t introduced myself yet. I am Eniola Aluko. And my best friend is called Jewel Jeffery.


最后朱厄尔来看我了。久别重逢的老朋友让我喜出望外。我把她介绍给我的孩子和我的马。孩子们在外面玩,我们坐下来喝茶。在喝茶和吃饼干之后,我们谈了谈我们的生活。我很好奇珠儿在葡萄牙发生了什么事。我们都把所有的事情都说了个遍,珍宝告诉我有一场大规模的比赛即将到来。我决定,也许像我们过去那样回到美好的旧轨道上会很有趣。但我该把我的两个漂亮的孩子放在哪里呢?他们太小,不能独立生活,但又太大,不知道该做什么,他们会变得无聊。我不知道该怎么办,然后朱厄尔说她有丈夫了,我的孩子们可以在我们举行大规模比赛的时候住在那里。 But I still had one burning question, I it’s asked “where is this race taking place”, I thought that it would be in Portugal but surprisingly not, it was taking place in Athens at the panathenaic stadium. I couldn’t wait, it was always been my dream to go to Athens and now it’s finally becoming a reality. I happily agreed to go and now thinking back on it I wish I didn’t.






时间到了,我和午夜跑了这么远,这很值得,但我真的不知道这是否值得。我们跑过街道,感觉我们迟到了,我们确实迟到了。我们及时赶到了比赛,这一定是我见过的最大的体育场,我们也在其中。我很兴奋,但我想我应该害怕和担心。这个赛马场很大,选手们都很有经验。最后比赛开始了,我,午夜,Jewel和James比任何人都早跑到跑道上,在我身后,我看到有人追上了我们,但那不是友好的比赛,他们拿着一根棍棒,向Jewel扑去,他们把她撞倒在地,她的手臂骨折了。我把她带到午夜,拿出我的皮带,套在詹姆斯身上,我们跑得比以往任何时候都快,超过了所有人,然后我们超过了俱乐部的成员。我们冲刺像猎豹一样,像闪电一样。我们以和那个俱乐部成员一样的速度跑着,然后他在午夜挥舞着球棒,抓住了她的腿。我可怜的孩子受了伤,他开始第二次挥杆,而我用力抓住棍子,朝他们扔过去,棍子打在他们的额头上,把他们打晕了。 Midnight was so powerful and strong even though she was injured she ran, this time faster than lightning. We made it, first, we finished, we won I told her. I told her that the world didn’t need her anymore and that she could go now, she could leave her pain, I will see her again don’t worry. She just isn’t with us anymore.