

她用她那俗气的笑容引诱我上去。我跟着她,不知道她为什么要在晚上爬陡峭的悬崖!她说我们必须今晚做,我个人很讨厌这样,因为今晚是雅典的复活节,但我还是匆匆忙忙地爬上了悬崖边。下一件事我知道我几乎到达了顶峰,不管我们什么时候到达顶峰,我都说不出话来。我站在那里,敬畏地站在卫城旁边,昂首远眺雅典。无论是早晨还是晚上,景色都令人惊叹,但今晚的景象非常壮观,到处都是色彩,音乐轰轰烈烈,街上穿着戏服的人在跳舞。然后她对我说为什么我们上帝不能像阿瑞斯那样?我不理睬她,继续欣赏风景。那是什么雅典娜?我说困惑。 I said why can’t us God’s be like that? I replied with a distraught frown. You know why, as long as there are God’s there is conflict between Gods. As long as Zeus lives we have no freedom as we are the children of Zeus, and if we make a stand, well you saw what he did to Hermes even with those boots of his he couldn’t out run him. But what if we revolt? She said in a monotone voice. What if we overthrew him with your Amazonian daughters and brute strength plus my strategic intellect we can end his reign of terror and we break these mind forged shackles that bind us. He’s too powerful, regardless of what we do we can’t beat him I replied in a sad voice let’s just go home Athena and will talk in the morning. I gave her a hug as a way to comfort her but she threw me off yelling “NO ENOUGH IS ENOUGH” a magical spear made by the royal blacksmith appeared along with her armour as she flew up into the clouds I followed her scared for what was going to come next the fall of Zeus or the death of Athena.. I was floating above the clouds as i witnessed Athena charge through the gates as she flew towards Zeus with the intent to kill. The royal guards tried to stop her but they didn’t stand a chance. The doors to Zeus’ chamber slammed open he sat there happily eating grapes as he watched one of his many wives dance for him. She moved faster than a speeding bullet he had no idea what he was in for. The cloud white walls were stained red, as Olympian blood had been spilt Athena removed her spear as her bloodlust left her soul she screamed with joy. And so the the children of the god of thunder Zeus ruled over new olympus and made it so peace and prosperity covered the land.