开云体育app客服肯特早期ORCID https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/orcid jiscs - arma资助的试点项目 2015年2月17日星期二10:37:51 +0000 en - us 每小时 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.9 宣传工具包和项目报告 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/orcid/2015/02/17/advocacy-toolkit-and-reporting-on-the-project/ 斯蒂·沃利斯 2015年2月17日星期二10:36:44 +0000 项目更新 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/orcid/?p=92 毫无疑问,大家都知道,ORCID试点项目的正式部分现已关闭。与Jisc的最后会议非常富有成效,能够与ORCID的一些团队会面以及与其他试点项目团队交流非常棒。我很高兴听到…< / p > < p > <类= " more链接btn " href = " https://blo开云体育app客服gs.kent.ac。英国/ orcid / 2015/02/17 / advocacy-toolkit-and-reporting-on-the-project / " >继续阅读< / >

2bugs大家无疑都知道,ORCID试点项目的正式部分现已结束。与Jisc的最后会议非常富有成效,能够与ORCID的一些团队会面以及与其他试点项目团队交流非常棒。我很高兴听到来自ORCID的Laurel对我们的宣传材料印象深刻,我们聊了聊这些材料背后的想法和它们的用途,以及ORCID自己在这个领域正在做的一些事情。< / p >

Part of the original project plan required the team here at Kent to produce an advocacy toolkit for other institutions wanting to undertake a similar project, and following the conversations I had at this final Jisc meeting I decided to focus on what made our project unique, which was the materials and the team we built for the work here at Kent. I hope the Advocacy Toolkit helps anyone wanting to do their own project.

The final JISC Pilot Project Report has also been submitted in the last few weeks and I have linked this to the post too for anyone that may be interested in the more formal side of the projects.

芭芭拉:作为ORCID的拥护者 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/orcid/2015/01/06/barbara-working-as-an-orcid-advocate/ 斯蒂·沃利斯 2015年1月6日星期二11:05:38 +0000 项目更新 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/orcid/?p=88 我第一次听说ORCID是在2014年11月底Templeman图书馆的研究生室,当时Lesley Gould非正式地问房间里的老用户我们是否想参与这个项目。我马上就喜欢上了ORCID背后的概念,以及通过ORCID号码拥有…< / p > < p > <类= " more链接btn " href = " https://blo开云体育app客服gs.kent.ac。英国/ orcid / 2015/01/06 / barbara-working-as-an-orcid-advocate / " >继续阅读< / > 我第一次听说ORCID是在2014年11月底Templeman图书馆的研究生室,当时Lesley Gould非正式地问房间的老用户我们是否想参与这个项目。我很快就喜欢上了ORCID背后的概念,以及通过ORCID号码拥有一个详细的、最新的、可追踪的网站的好处。< / p >

Two days later, I met Kirsty and started my job as an ORCID ambassador in the School of English (my school) and, to a certain extent, with friends and colleagues from the School of European Culture and Languages. I found out that most people from across the humanities postgraduate community were fascinated by ORCID – were they Master’s students about to consider the possibility of applying to a PhD or final-year research students, they all found the idea of an ORCID number useful. Also, everybody seemed to love the “Cids”, and now most computers in the postgraduate room and the AAL offices in the school of English have a bug on their screen frame!bug

As much as I left postcards and small cards around the department and in pigeonholes of Postgraduates who teach and early-career researchers, I think that people preferred to know more about ORCID when I spoke to them directly about the project. So, some of the reading groups and Postgraduate seminars that I normally attend where the perfect platform for me to hand out the material and deliver a brief presentation about ORCID. At the same time, the informal setting of working spaces and common rooms was great to have an easy chat with colleagues who had already heard about ORCID, or seen it advertised on campus without fully knowing what it was.

My moment of greatest success, however, was when a friend who lives abroad and with whom I was then co-editing a special issue (now published) told me that she wanted to change her name on it. Her case was a perfect case where having an ORCID number would make a difference! I told her about the project, and she decided to sign up for it immediately. I’m happy and proud that, through my work at ORCID, I have been able to offer a simple, straightforward and useful tool which I’m sure will make life so much easier for many researchers, now and in the future.

乔治:我的ORCID经历 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/orcid/2014/12/16/george-my-orcid-experience/ 斯蒂·沃利斯 2014年12月16日星期二14:15:45 +0000 项目更新 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/orcid/?p=86 当我第一次在研究生院周报上看到ORCID的广告,并了解它背后的想法时,我已经对它的目标感到兴奋,并有机会成为团队的一员来倡导它。因此,当我在10月28日遇到Kirsty …< / p > < p > <类= " more链接btn " href = " https://blo开云体育app客服gs.kent.ac。英国/ orcid / 2014/12/16 / george-my-orcid-experience / " >继续阅读< / > 当我第一次在研究生院周报上看到ORCID的广告,并了解它背后的想法时,我已经对它的目标感到兴奋,以及有机会成为团队的一员来倡导它。因此,当我在10月28日与Kirsty见面时,我更加兴奋,我们聊了聊这个项目,我的角色,计划,我们将拥有的材料等等。< / p >

So even before I got materials three days later on 31st, I had already started advocating for ORCID at the two PhD workshops I had attended, as well as at my school’s Staff/Student Liaison Committee meeting which was in the same week. Once I had the materials, I went about putting up posters in different schools and colleges. This was complemented by distributing leaflets, cards and other goodies.

I also had a chance to talk about ORID with my supervisors and at our school’s weekly seminars, just as I always took an opportunity to speak about it at every other Graduate School workshop I was attending at the campus. After three weeks, I was mesmerized by the amount of people who said they had either seen or heard about ORCID before and some confirmed that they had signed up and have an account.

It was also fascinating to note that at one of the seminars I attended (Measuring Research Impact), ORCID was mentioned and strongly recommended as a good tool for researchers. I was proud to an extent that I chipped in a bit to explain its benefits and that that I was part of the team here at Kent. At one of the Graduate School’s Research Cafés we have every month, I was glad to meet three PhD students who said they had heard about ORCID and signed up!

Regarding what went well, personally I would say advocating for something I believed in and was excited about was without a doubt a highlight. Other than that, getting to tell people (mostly researchers) who didn’t have an idea about it before to fully comprehend the ORCID idea and make a decision to sign up was truly the climax. The challenge was that most of them were already used to other existing tools like Academia, LinkedIn and others. However, the fact that ORCID is a unique identifier and clears out any name ambiguity seemed to make it stand out from the others.

Again, it was great to learn that people were willing to try something new and see how it is indeed different from the rest (and promised to sign up).

Other than people confusing it with other forums as mentioned above, perhaps the other challenge was when people always promised that they would sign up but you were not always sure if they really eventually signed up. The few I tried to follow up with needed to be reminded (at times on two occasions) to sign up.

Otherwise, I look forward to the last weeks of this amazing experience when I will go round the schools again to distribute the materials and talk to as much people as possibly I can. Of course I also look forward to publishing more in the future and fully utilize and live the ORCID idea and experience!

鲁斯:作为ORCID的“远程”倡导者。 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/orcid/2014/12/05/ruth-working-as-a-remote-orcid-advocate/ 斯蒂·沃利斯 2014年12月5日星期五15:35:03 +0000 未分类的 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/orcid/?p=81 自从10月份我的朋友告诉我这个项目之后,我就一直在作为ORCID的倡导者工作。作为一名寻求在学术界未来职业发展的博士生,成为ORCID倡导者似乎是一个参与该计划并了解更多关于如何开发…< / p > < p > <类= " more链接btn " href = " https://blo开云体育app客服gs.kent.ac。英国/ orcid / 2014/12/05 / ruth-working-as-a-remote-orcid-advocate / " >继续阅读< / > 自从10月份我的朋友告诉我这个项目之后,我就一直在作为ORCID的倡导者工作。作为一名寻求在未来的学术生涯中取得进步的博士生,成为ORCID的倡导者似乎是一个参与该计划的好机会,并了解更多关于如何开展自己的研究活动,并与肯特大学的其他博士和早期职业研究人员建立联系。开云体育app客服到目前为止,我在ORCID的工作主要是在校外进行的,因为我目前每周只通勤到肯特郡几次。开云体育app客服这让我想到了其他方法来传播ORCID的信息,而不是通过在各个部门分发海报和传单和组织会议的常规途径。和大多数研究人员一样,电子邮件是我与其他研究人员联系、组织会议、了解会议和职业活动的重要生命线。因此,开始着手这项计划似乎是个明智的主意。< / p >

The first task I was assigned was to email around all the schools at Kent (and there are a fair few!) with information about ORCID in the hope this would then be circulated around staff and postgraduate researchers. This has actually proved to be quite successful and I have received many really positive responses about the scheme. Even after mentioning the ORCID briefly to fellow PhD students, many have seemed to pick up on the scheme and were considering signing up. Administrators from the departments have also sent follow up emails with enquires about how ORCID works in conjunction with the existing Kent Academic Repository (KAR) scheme.

In the up and coming weeks, I am really looking forward to being involved in a pop-up event and further workshops where I will have a chance to talk about ORCID (this time in person)! The ORCID advocates have also been given some great merchandise, in the form of business cards and postcards, which will certainly help people to get to grips with the basics of the scheme. Using email has been a great way to start spreading the word about ORCID and I hope to carry on with the conversation on campus.

t - 1个月… https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/orcid/2014/12/01/t-minus-1-month/ 斯蒂·沃利斯 2014年12月1日星期一15:52:27 +0000 项目更新 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/orcid/?p=79 和计数!这个项目在过去的几周里进行得非常顺利,以至于我都忘了写博客了!对不起!正如我所希望的那样,倡议者总共有7名非常有效和可爱的团队成员,他们都很聪明,有非常不同的想法。I won’t talk too much …< / p > < p > <类= " more链接btn " href = " https://blo开云体育app客服gs.kent.ac。英国/ orcid / 2014/12/01 / t-minus-1-month / " >继续阅读< / > < p >和计数!< / p >

The project has been going so well over the last few weeks that I have forgotten to blog! Sorry about that!

The advocates total is up to seven very effective and lovely team members that are all brilliant and have hugely diverse ideas, just as I was hoping. I won’t talk too much about them as I have asked some of the longest standing team members to produce guest posts for this blog about what they’ve been up to, the first of which should be up in the next few days.

The rest of our merchandise has arrived, which has been very well received, especially the fuzzy bugs that seem to have become our unofficial mascot – nicknamed ‘Cid’ he is very popular and I think we’ll have to order some more before long! We have had some significant issues with the t-shirt company, with the orders being repeatedly wrong, but hopefully (fingers crossed) this should now be rectified and all of the advocates can have their own shirts for events. 1bug

We are now running weekly pop up stands in the library where the team hand out information, answer questions and give demonstrations, as well as encouraging people to sign up there and then. In the next few weeks we are planning to host an ORCID themed Christmas Party, which we can invite postgraduates, PhD students and academic staff to en masse for socialising, networking, and a chance to have all your questions answered, with a mince pie.

I haven’t checked on our total sign up’s recently, but as of around a month ago we were approaching 300 which is a huge increase from where we started – well done team!


商品和倡导者 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/orcid/2014/10/30/merchandise-and-advocates/ 斯蒂·沃利斯 2014年10月30日星期四12:17:50 +0000 项目更新 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/orcid/?p=76 我发现很有趣的是,倡导者们正在采取不同的方式来处理他们与他们部门的工作。我有一个主要是在校外的倡导者,她选择通过电子邮件做很多工作,并与各部门联系,让信息传播,她得到了一些非常好的回应。& # 8230;< / p > < p > <类= " more链接btn " href = " https://blo开云体育app客服gs.kent.ac。英国/ orcid / 2014/10/30 / merchandise-and-advocates / " >继续阅读< / > 我发现很有趣的是,倡导者们采用了不同的方式来处理他们与部门的工作。我有一个主要是在校外的倡导者,她选择通过电子邮件做很多工作,并与各部门联系,让信息传播,她得到了一些非常好的回应。< / p >

On completely the opposite end of the scale, I have a couple of advocates that are utilising reading groups, school meetings and seminars to spread the word using leaflets and their own enthusiasm, also having the same great results.

This week coming up, as I am going to be away, I have asked them to start putting their experience into words, helping to collate some FAQs for the website, as well as investigating the different tools that ORCID provide to ‘Link works’ and writing up some short guidance that we can use to support our academic staff in the use of the ORCID site to its full potential. We are also going ‘old school’ and some of the teams are going to be putting up posters in their schools and across campus in postgraduate spaces, staff rooms and offices, so you won’t be able to escape the message!

We have also just taken possession of our first official merchandise! postcards business cards

Postcards have been created that contain the key ORCID 1, 2, 3 motif as well as some plain-language benefits and the internal page for more information. We decided on postcards because the message was so simple, filling a flyer or leaflet would have been very laborious and ORCID is such a simple idea, it just wasn’t needed.

We have also received business cards. These were the idea of the advocates, as I said before, and they look great. They wanted a simple, easy to transport way of giving the URL and some contact information for more details. Now I think about it, business cards are a good idea for another reason, they stick around. I know this seems to be my rationale for more than one of the merchandising products, but someone who thinks ORCID is a great idea and goes away clutching a leaflet, the leaflet is going to get screwed up, torn, coffee spilt on, used to write down a phone number. A business card is less likely to get screwed up, and will stick around in a pocket or wallet until rediscovered, still intact to remind them what a good idea this was.

The team are on their way to collect their business cards as I type – I’ll let you know what they think!


ORCID倡导者 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/orcid/2014/10/17/orcid-advocates/ 斯蒂·沃利斯 2014年10月17日星期五08:49:00 +0000 项目更新 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/orcid/?p=73 本周,我为ORCID倡导者角色举行了第一次简报会,这些角色构成了这个项目的关键部分。在我可能招募的十个人中,前四个人已经得到了简要介绍,并开始在各自的学术学校进行推广。我意识到四和十相差甚远。< / p > < p > <类= " more链接btn " href = " https://blo开云体育app客服gs.kent.ac。英国/ orcid / 2014/10/17 / orcid-advocates / " >继续阅读< / > 本周,我为ORCID倡导者角色举行了第一次简报会,这些角色构成了这个项目的关键部分。在我可能招募的十个人中,前四个人已经得到了简要介绍,并开始在各自的学术学校进行推广。< / p >

I realise that four is a long way from the ten we need but they are so enthusiastic and full of great ideas, I don’t have any worries about their ability to do the job, or about my decision to allow them a freer reign over the events and methods of advocacy that they were to undertake. As I thought, each of them knows the structure of their department and the best channels to go through to effectively perform their roles.

ORCID as a product is of interest to everyone involved in research at an academic institution, from research Masters students, through PhD students and up into the academic and research staff in the departments, each group with slightly different concerns and priorities. The logic behind hiring PhD students and early career researchers is key to the success of the project, as they are a central point between the Masters students (who they have contact as fellow postgraduates/mentors/teachers), and the staff (which they work with). This is an idea that the first advocates have embraced – we’ll see how they get on.

After they have had a week or so to make their first connections and give their first talks to their peers, we are attending a half-day Open Access conference on campus where we are giving a talk, hosting a stand, and a sign-up booth where delegates can come and register for their ORCID iD with our guidance. After that we will be collating our FAQs from the intervening weeks and the conference onto the website, and preparing more detailed support documentation if the need for it is present beyond what can be fulfilled by the inbuilt ORCID documentation.

I’ll let you know how it goes!

More promotion for the remaining positions is my job for today, and chasing the designs for our handout materials, but thats another post!


技术更新 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/orcid/2014/10/09/technical-update-2/ 斯蒂·沃利斯 2014年10月9日星期四14:05:44 +0000 项目更新 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/orcid/?p=70 在您的系统中实现orcid并不困难。幸运的是,这是一个设计良好的系统,给你一个简单的URL,你可以点击它,把你带到正确的地方。我们还没有完成在系统中实现orcid的第一部分,在这里我将介绍…< / p > < p > <类= " more链接btn " href = " https://blo开云体育app客服gs.kent.ac。英国/ orcid / 2014/10/09 / technical-update-2 / " >继续阅读< / > 在您的系统中实现orcid并不困难。幸运的是,这是一个设计良好的系统,给你一个简单的URL,你可以点击它,把你带到正确的地方。我们还没有完成在系统中实施orcid的第一部分,在这里我将介绍我们所做的一些技术细节以及我们未来的目标是什么。在Kent,我们使用流开云体育app客服行的存储库管理系统Eprints。Eprints最好的特性是它的可定制性,为orcid添加一个新字段非常简单。我们已经在创建者、编辑器和贡献者条目中添加了字段,因此orcid可以为人们的工作输入,而不管他们的角色是什么。在Eprints中,我们不需要手动破解数据库,而是向eprints_fields.pl添加条目来描述新字段放置的位置以及应该如何呈现它。我们把它和其他信息放在一起,比如电子邮件地址、名字和姓氏。结构如下:


sub_name =>& # 8216; orcid& # 8217; < /强> < / p > < p > < >强类型=比;& # 8216; url # 8217; < /强> < / p > < p > < >强render_value =比; ‘EPrints::Extras::render_url_truncate_end’



We could then tell Eprints to modify the database for us with this command:

epadmin update_database_structure [repository name]


To get the ORCiD to render we added sections like this to the summary_page.xml file after adding relevant labels to eprints_fields.xml:


<epc:foreach expr=”$item.property(‘creators’)” iterator=”creator”>


    <th align=”right”>ORCiD (<epc:print expr=”$creator{name}.property(‘family’)” />, <epc:print expr=”$creator{name}.property(‘given’)” />):</th>

    <td valign=”top”><a href=”{$creator{orcid}}”><epc:print expr=”$creator{orcid}” /></a> </td>




Now we have the capacity to put this new unique id alongside people’s names it is time to get some benefit out of it. We have added the capacity to search for work by ORCiD. Again, Eprints makes this easy for us. We made a modification to eprint_search_advanced.pl:

{ meta_fields => [ “creators_orcid” ] }


This neatly solves the problem of being able to search for people by a unique label! We have been able to do this to a limited extent with email addresses, but obviously we cannot publish those on the site because of spam. This caused a bit of a problem when you were searching for a person’s work where they might have a name that is not unique. Now you can just copy and paste their ORCiD into the search field and results will be returned. When you first set this up, note that you need to wait for Eprints to finish indexing.

In the future we plan to make much more use of ORCiDs. We have a current project taking place that is implementing a new research management system. The providers of this system have plans to implement functionality that will make use of ORCiDs to import information. We’re also integrating ORCiDs into our Moodle based Virtual Learning Environment for E-Theses submissions. This will enable us to fully leverage the power of ORCiDs in our systems. Keep an eye on this blog for further developments!


网络存在和一个意想不到的挑战 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/orcid/2014/10/03/web-presence/ 斯蒂·沃利斯 2014年10月3日星期五12:15:28 +0000 项目更新 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/orcid/?p=64 它’;这是一个有趣的挑战,促进和倡导使用一个外部产品没有品牌,并将其纳入公司的翅膀,而作为一个内部员工。我必须承认,我没有考虑到我作为一名员工会对促进ORCID的过程产生的影响。& # 8230;< / p > < p > <类= " more链接btn " href = " https://blo开云体育app客服gs.kent.ac。英国/ orcid / 2014/10/03 / / " >部署web展现应用继续阅读< / > 这是一个有趣的挑战,推广和倡导使用一个外部产品,而不给它打上品牌,把它放在公司的翅膀下,同时作为一个内部员工。我必须承认,我没有考虑到我作为一名员工会对促进ORCID的过程产生的影响。< / p >

Register for your ORCID iDI found this especially true when I attended one of the first events – I was talking about ORCID to our new postgraduates and promoting it by relating it to work they would be doing, which was quite successful in gaining enthusiasm and encouraging numbers of interested parties. The problem with this is that by knowing what they would be doing, it was fairly obvious that I was a member of staff, which led a number of people to ask about the ‘external applications’ of this product after they leave the Uni.

This was very revealing, helped greatly in forming the explanation of ORCID I was giving throughout the event, and in turn the approach we are taking to support and promotion internally.

We have since created an internal web page on the library website, in a section dedicated to research. It comes alongside advice about Open Access publishing, research resources and online thesis submission.


Keeping within the style guidelines of the website, we were able to follow our previous decision to utilise the messages provided by ORCID themselves, while making the content relevant to an internal audience. The fine balance is making it relevant, while still being externally focussed. Small elements have been introduced, such as videos and logos from ORCID’s outreach resources page, and even the internal email address we have created for people to send queries to (ORCIDsupport@kent.ac.uk) is an indication that we are supporting it’s use, rather than administering it as a system. We are also using the page to advertise the advocate positions, with the advert being held externally on our news system, which is going well, we have 3 positions filled so far.

All in all, its been a good and very productive week!


单张及商品 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/orcid/2014/09/29/leaflets-and-merchandise/ 斯蒂·沃利斯 2014年9月29日星期一14:46:01 +0000 项目更新 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/orcid/?p=52 虽然我上周在JISC活动上承诺了与会者的第一眼,不幸的是它还没有准备好,但现在我有了一套东西,我可以向你展示!最初我打算创造一个混合的信息,使用ORCID品牌的元素,以及Kent的元素…开云体育app客服< / p > < p > <类= " more链接btn " href = " https://blo开云体育app客服gs.kent.ac。英国/ orcid / 2014/09/29 / leaflets-and-merchandise / " >继续阅读< / > 虽然我上周在JISC活动上承诺了与会者的第一眼,不幸的是它还没有准备好,但现在我有了一套东西,我可以给你看!最初我打算创造一个混合的信息,使用ORCID品牌的元素,以及Kent的元素来创建一套推广文件和商品,但我们在JISC日的讨论让我重新考虑这种方法。开云体育app客服考虑到我们的项目侧重于提倡使用这种外部产品,我很快意识到利用ORCID提供的设计和文本是最好的前进方式。这个项目的目的不是把这个产品放在肯特的范围内,并为它创造我们自己的名字和品牌,就像我们与其他系统一样,但这些都是为了集成而设计的,我开云体育app客服意识到ORCID不是其中之一。这鼓励我利用ORCID提供的外联材料他们的大使页面,并创建一些与众不同的东西。< / p >

The idea behind the materials we have so far is that they are as universal and distinctive as possible, I created a powerpoint slide for use in PG inductions, and using this as a template I created a leaflet and some posters, all of which feature the same design elements. The first two have been pulled from the provided content and merely modified to include refernce to using your Kent email address (to help us track numbers that sign up). From these, we used the same typeface and colours to add more personalised elements and informal language for PG students (there is also one for academic staff in production).














We wanted to use a catchy image to make the publicity items distinct, so we decided to utilise the ‘bubbles’ motif from the ORCID posters and the iD logo to create a footer image to tie elements together. It also helps to round out the colours of the posters and leflets as lots of green and pale colours on a white background can be quite dazzling when there is no other colour.

ORCID header 1

So all together it creates quite a nice effect – Poster.pdf

The idea is to utilise the same format for information screens, posters, leaflets and anything else we need, to ensure it is a recognisable and reusable programme – able to be used beyond the scope of the project.

Hope you like it!

