肯特慈善点评开云体育app客服 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy 关于慈善研究的博客 星期五,2013年4月19日09:01:51 +0000 每小时 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.9 评论语言问题:我们是“管理”还是“尊重”我们的捐助者?由筹款人和资助者-所有人都朝着同一个目标工作|最新来自联盟 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/2012/05/16/language-matters-do-we-manage-or-respect-our-donors/comment-page-1/#comment-104 筹款人和资助者——所有人都朝着同一个目标努力|来自联盟的最新消息 2013年2月11日星期一10:33:36 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/?p=278#comment-104 […]and been told of consultants wishing to ‘extract’ funds from supporters (see an interesting blog post from Beth Breeze on this topic). Language such as this reduces philanthropy to a simple business transaction with no [...] 并被告知顾问希望从支持者那里“提取”资金(参见Beth Breeze关于这个话题的一篇有趣的博客文章)。这样的语言将慈善事业简化为简单的商业交易,没有[…]

捐赠人真的倾尽全力了吗?由sammyd1211 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/2012/03/20/are-donors-really-giving-all-they-can/comment-page-1/#comment-87 sammyd1211 2012年3月20日星期二19:54:36 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/?p=262#comment-87 Comic Relief和Children in Need等慈善机构每年都取得成功,即使在最近几年经济衰退的情况下,这表明我们确实有慈善文化,但也许这种文化对名人代言的反应比对其他筹款活动的反应更大。这并不是说CR和CIN背后的筹款人不'不需要努力或有创意,它's只是公众'get'他们的慈善机构,还有全国曝光的好处。 像Comic Relief和Children in Need这样的慈善机构每年都取得成功,即使是在最近几年经济衰退的情况下,这表明我们确实有一种慈善文化,但也许这种文化对名人代言的反应比对其他筹款活动的反应更大。这并不是说CR和CIN背后的筹款人’t have to try hard or be creative,它’s just that public ‘get’他们的慈善机构和他们的全国曝光的好处 百万英镑捐赠者报告的意义何在?你的慈善机构能用一艘皇家游艇的钱买到什么?|新慈善资本博客 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/2012/01/02/whats-the-point-of-the-million-pound-donors-report/comment-page-1/#comment-83 你的慈善机构能用一艘皇家游艇的钱买到什么?& # 124;新慈善资本的博客 2012年1月17日星期二17:15:22 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/?p=249#comment-83 […]context of Coutts’ recently published Million Pound Donor Report, researched and written by Dr Beth Breeze at the University of Kent. The most recent report looks at gifts made in 2009/10 over £1m, the [...] Coutts最近发表的百万英镑捐赠报告的背景,由肯特大学的贝丝·布雷兹博士研究和撰写。开云体育主頁(欢迎您)开云体育app客服最新的报告着眼于2009/10年度超过100万英镑的捐赠,[…]

评论学会爱“骇人听闻”和“令人作呕”的慈善家里克荷兰CFRE https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/2011/07/04/learning-to-love-appalling-and-quease-making-philanthropists/comment-page-1/#comment-64 Rick Holland CFRE 2011年7月10日,星期日13:25:20 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/?p=216#comment-64 说得好,贝丝,欢迎回来! 说得好,贝丝,欢迎回来!< / p > Coutts关于慈善中心的评论报告显示慈善捐赠正在上升 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/about-the-centre-for-philanthropy-humanitarianism-social-justice/comment-page-1/#comment-63 Coutts报告显示慈善捐赠在上升 星期三,2010年11月17日17:53:18 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/?page_id=9#comment-63 […]education proving to be the most popular cause. The report by Beth Breeze, a researcher at the Centre for Philanthropy, Humanitarianism & Social Justice at the University of Kent, found 201 separate donations of at least £1m in 2008/09 - up from 189 in 2007/08 and 193 in [...] 事实证明,教育是最受欢迎的事业。慈善、人道主义及慈善中心研究员Beth Breeze的报告;肯特大学(University of Ken开云体育主頁(欢迎您)t)的开云体育app客服社会正义研究发现,2008/09年度有201笔至少100万英镑的独立捐款;2007/08年度为189人,[…]

评论关于贝丝布雷兹由珍妮 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/about-beth-breeze/comment-page-1/#comment-57 珍妮 Thu, 16 Sep 2010 12:56:47 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/?page_id=11#comment-57 你好,我目前正在普利茅斯大学攻读公民CPD硕士学位,为此我需要准备一份包含一些课程计划和工作计划的作品集。开云体育主頁(欢迎您)在我去伦敦上课的路上,我坐在地铁上,注意到一张《经济学人》的海报,上面写着为什么我们应该出售我们的器官。我不敢相信我所看到的,然后我注意到另一张海报上写着为什么我们不应该't出售我们的器官。我决定以这个主题为基础,并添加一些关于器官捐赠的课程计划。课程的部分标准是让非政府组织的一名成员参加我的课程,并就课程内容和课程进展情况提供反馈。你能来吗,或者你知道谁愿意来吗?感谢你花时间阅读这篇文章。



评论捐赠者如何选择慈善机构的非营利商业秘密«给予的力量 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/2010/06/24/how-donors-choose-charities/comment-page-1/#comment-48 商业秘密«给予的力量 Thu, 09 september 2010 19:33:56 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/?p=194#comment-48 […]Beths report has many more valuable insights available via the following address: //www.jandeweb.com/philanthropy/2010/06/24/how-donors-choose-charities/ [...]

[…]贝斯的报告有更多有价值的见解,可通过以下地址:http://blo开云体育app客服gs.kent.ac。英国慈善/ 2010/06/24 / how-donors-choose-charities / < / > [& # 8230;] < / p > 学者应该为募捐者提供实用的建议吗?我不这么认为-第三部门博客|博客|第三部门 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/about-beth-breeze/comment-page-1/#comment-34 学者们应该为募捐者提供实用的建议吗?我不这么认为——第三部门博客|博客& # 124;第三部门 星期三,2010年6月23日09:11:26 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/?page_id=11#comment-34 […]deal with,” one said. This is almost certainly why a new report by another philanthropy academic, Beth Breeze, called How Donors Choose Charities, was a big hit at the conference. It was academic, based on [...] 处理,”其中一人说。几乎可以肯定,这就是为什么另一位慈善学者贝丝•布雷兹(Beth Breeze)的一份名为《捐赠者如何选择慈善机构》(How Donors Choose Charities)的新报告在大会上大受欢迎的原因。它是学术性的,基于[…]

Rick Holland CFRE对改变位置的评论 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/2010/03/02/changing-places/comment-page-1/#comment-32 Rick Holland CFRE 星期三,2010年3月17日14:10:08 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/?p=183#comment-32 贝丝,第三区的一封关于“财富”的精确信件;not being synonymous with "philanthropic." I couldn't have said it better myself! Rick Rick Holland CFRE Director Confident Philanthropy Ltd. www.confidentphilanthropy.co.uk

贝丝,第三区关于“财富”not being synonymous with “philanthropic.” I couldn’t have said it better myself!


Rick Holland CFRE
Confident Philanthropy Ltd.

各种各样的慈善机构都有gif挑逗的X因素 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/2009/11/02/all-kinds-of-charities-have-the-x-factor/comment-page-1/#comment-29 GiftEase 星期一,2009年11月16日12:35:54 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/?p=170#comment-29 完全同意。辩论得很好。快速浏览一下CC网站上的GOSH慈善账户(七个)中的一个,就会发现去年的收入超过了6000万英镑。我怀疑这首歌的收入会对今年的目标产生多大的整体影响。我也怀疑,从公关的角度来看,与XFactor联系在一起会增加已经很高的知名度。Not sour grapes, I think GOSH has proven to make an enormous difference to the lives of sick kids and their families. But there really are many less attractive causes that with just this type of high profile association would not only make a huge financial and awareness difference, but could result in life changing opportunities for their stakeholders - the children. Thinking organisations that work with improving the lives of kids on the streets, drug/drink dependency outreach work . Kids acting as primary carers for their parents, the list is endless but not hopeless. XFactor can afford to take a risk and support some of these less known but equally important organisations that change the lives of many more children than GOSH could ever reach. Good luck to GOSH, but one vote XFactor wont be getting from me for missing such a huge opportunity to make a REAL difference.

完全同意。辩论得很好。< / p >

A quick look at one of the (seven) GOSH charity accounts on the CC site shows an income in excess of £60million last year. I doubt that as a % the income from the song will make much overall difference to this years target. I also doubt that from a PR point of view being associated with XFactor will increase an already high profile.

Not sour grapes, I think GOSH has proven to make an enormous difference to the lives of sick kids and their families.

But there really are many less attractive causes that with just this type of high profile association would not only make a huge financial and awareness difference, but could result in life changing opportunities for their stakeholders – the children.

Thinking organisations that work with improving the lives of kids on the streets, drug/drink dependency outreach work . Kids acting as primary carers for their parents, the list is endless but not hopeless.

XFactor can afford to take a risk and support some of these less known but equally important organisations that change the lives of many more children than GOSH could ever reach.

Good luck to GOSH, but one vote XFactor wont be getting from me for missing such a huge opportunity to make a REAL difference.

各种各样的慈善机构都有robdyson的未知因素 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/2009/11/02/all-kinds-of-charities-have-the-x-factor/comment-page-1/#comment-28 robdyson 太阳,2009年11月15日22:20:53 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/?p=170#comment-28 嗨,贝丝,很好的帖子,问了一个非常明智的问题。当我在写我自己关于这个主题的帖子时,我发现你的链接。Whizz-Kidz (the charity I work for) was very fortunate to be selected as Tesco's COY (2006), and it hugely raised our profile, considering we are very modest in size. But the criteria for entering was a lot more transparent. http://robdyson.posterous.com/how-do-i-apply http://twitter.com/RobmDyson http://twitter.com/thirdsectorPR 嗨,贝丝,很棒的帖子,问了一个非常明智的问题。当我在写我自己关于这个主题的帖子时,我发现你的链接。< / p >

Whizz-Kidz (the charity I work for) was very fortunate to be selected as Tesco’s COY (2006), and it hugely raised our profile, considering we are very modest in size. But the criteria for entering was a lot more transparent.



筹款人会筹集资金吗?由安妮 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/2009/10/06/do-fundraisers-raise-funds/comment-page-1/#comment-27 安妮 2009年11月12日星期四13:37:14 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/?p=163#comment-27 当一个筹款人找到我们来帮助我们的慈善机构时,被告知我们会得到帮助来筹集紧急需求的资金。We were impressed and agreed to pay for a professional to help yet they failed to deliver the result. More organizations need to be aware there are charlatans out there, even if they may have letters after their name like CFRE of which there are only a few awarded in the UK. Sounds impressive to me and using the word award makes me think of an O.B.E. In fact few have heard of this award which it is obtained on line through an American organization by many. Perhaps this is impressive, but with out the results it appears this type of award only given to a handful in the UK needs to looked at with caution. Correct me if I am wrong but I like many make the assumption that fundraisers do raise funds. 当一个筹款人来帮助我们的慈善机构时,被告知我们将得到帮助来筹集紧急需要的资金。We were impressed and agreed to pay for a professional to help yet they failed to deliver the result. More organizations need to be aware there are charlatans out there, even if they may have letters after their name like CFRE of which there are only a few awarded in the UK. Sounds impressive to me and using the word award makes me think of an O.B.E. In fact few have heard of this award which it is obtained on line through an American organization by many. Perhaps this is impressive, but with out the results it appears this type of award only given to a handful in the UK needs to looked at with caution. Correct me if I am wrong but I like many make the assumption that fundraisers do raise funds.

什么时候让亿万富翁捐款是个坏主意?作者:Howard Lake https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/2009/10/17/when-is-it-a-bad-idea-to-ask-a-billionaire-for-a-donation/comment-page-1/#comment-26 霍华德湖 星期二,2009年11月3日21:35:04 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/?p=167#comment-26 You can now watch Mr Branson's presentation as a video at http://blog.virginmoneygiving.com/2009/10/30/richard-branson-talking-at-raising-funds-from-the-rich/ It doesn't include the Q&A session though.




所有类型的慈善机构都有未知因素Rick Holland CFRE https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/2009/11/02/all-kinds-of-charities-have-the-x-factor/comment-page-1/#comment-25 Rick Holland CFRE 星期二,2009年11月3日16:54:25 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/?p=170#comment-25 你说得太对了,贝丝!当然,不仅仅是《X音素》,还有许多公司的“年度慈善奖”;这些计划,通过选择一个知名的慈善机构,很方便地创造了一个排除其他所有人的借口。Rick Holland CFRErick.holland@confidentphilanthropy.co.uk www.confidentphilanthropy.co.uk 你说得完全正确,贝丝!当然,它’不只是X音素,但许多企业“慈善年度”这些计划,通过选择一个知名的慈善机构,很方便地创造了一个排除其他所有人的借口。

Rick Holland CFRE


什么时候让亿万富翁捐款是个坏主意?由珍妮 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/2009/10/17/when-is-it-a-bad-idea-to-ask-a-billionaire-for-a-donation/comment-page-1/#comment-24 珍妮 星期一,2009年10月19日21:00:43 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/?p=167#comment-24 这样一个浪费的机会,而且老大卫主持得很糟糕,实际上,他似乎觉得这些令人尴尬的推销很有趣,对布兰森表现得非常不得体。不只是一个无脑问题,而是第二个,然后是第三个....到那时,我已经对这项运动完全失去了信心。这些人根本不应该有发言的机会。维珍在那天早上推出了“维珍理财”(Virgin Money Giving),这只是巧合吗?布兰森的演讲没有教会我们任何我们已经知道的东西,当然不是他写的,他需要自动提示来传达它。当然,他正在成为一名伟大的慈善家,但也许他成为一个行走的品牌,把老流行歌星的形象延伸得有点太远了。相比之下,斯坦利•芬克(Stanley Fink)的演讲更为真实,他朴实无华的方式让我们更多地了解了富人是如何思考的。我当然不会再参加这样的会议了,这既浪费时间又浪费金钱。行动计划在这里没有达到目标。 这样一个浪费的机会,而且老大卫主持得很糟糕,事实上,他似乎觉得这些令人尴尬的推销很有趣,对布兰森表现得非常不得体。不只是一个无脑的问题,而是第二个,然后是第三个。到那时,我已经对这项运动完全失去了信心。这些人根本不应该有发言的机会。维珍在那天早上推出了“维珍理财”(Virgin Money Giving),这只是巧合吗?布兰森的演讲没有教会我们任何我们不知道的东西,当然不是他写的,他需要自动提示来传达它。当然,他正在成为一名伟大的慈善家,但也许他成为一个行走的品牌,把老流行歌星的形象延伸得有点太远了。相比之下,斯坦利•芬克(Stanley Fink)的演讲更为真实,他朴实无华的方式让我们更多地了解了富人是如何思考的。我当然不会再参加这样的会议了,这既浪费时间又浪费金钱。行动计划在这里没有达到目标。

什么时候让亿万富翁捐款是个坏主意?由卡尔 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/2009/10/17/when-is-it-a-bad-idea-to-ask-a-billionaire-for-a-donation/comment-page-1/#comment-23 卡尔 2009年10月19日星期一19:17:46 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/?p=167#comment-23 我饶有兴趣地等待着将这篇博客与你之前的文章链接起来的回复…… 我饶有兴趣地等待着将这篇博客与你以前的文章链接起来的回复 筹款人会筹集资金吗?由卡尔 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/2009/10/06/do-fundraisers-raise-funds/comment-page-1/#comment-22 卡尔 2009年10月19日星期一19:13:20 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/?p=163#comment-22 有趣的文章,贝丝。I' i’我非常确定,CAF和NCVO几年前委托进行的一些纵向分析的结果是,在所有其他可能影响捐赠水平的变量——经济、房价等等——得到控制后,重大活动的影响很难确定。这可能会让人得出结论,就像香烟广告一样,筹款人'主要作用是与品牌忠诚度有关。I' I’我不会大胆地说我认为情况就是这样,但它确实表明有一些有趣的研究需要做,关于筹款是否,如果是这样,如何以及为什么,增加捐款的总数,而不是在接受者之间切换。 贝丝,有趣的文章。I’ i’我非常确定,CAF和NCVO几年前委托进行的一些纵向分析的结果是,在所有其他可能影响捐赠水平的变量之后,很难确定主要活动的影响–经济、房价等–被控制。这可能会让人得出结论,就像香烟广告一样,筹款人’主要作用是与品牌忠诚度有关。I’我不会大胆地说我认为情况就是这样,但它确实表明有一些有趣的研究需要做,关于筹款是否,如果是这样,如何以及为什么,增加了捐款的总数,而不是在接受者之间切换 什么时候让亿万富翁捐款是个坏主意?由markphillips https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/2009/10/17/when-is-it-a-bad-idea-to-ask-a-billionaire-for-a-donation/comment-page-1/#comment-21 markphillips 2009年10月19日星期一17:03:03 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/?p=167#comment-21 Hi Beth Unfortunately, this approach doesn't surprise me. When I worked for a charity (many years ago), I found myself in the presence of a major funder and unfortunately I just became out of control. One part of me was shouting "Mark, don't do it. Just be nice. Say how pleased you are that he's here. Ask if you can help him in any way and then just leave him alone!". The other part of me dropped a very unsubtle hit for cash into the conversation. Luckily the person was very sensible. He changed the topic of the conversation, made his excuses and went to speak to people who knew better. He carried on giving to my charity and I never had any other contact with him again. In doing so, he taught me a great lesson. And this is the point. The approach of the questioners simply shows inexperience or arrogance (both of which really don't offer much to a good pitch for support). If the actions of the few help the fundraisers at the event to now appreciate a little better the advice of the previous speakers, I think it is a positive outcome and perhaps one of the best learning opportunities that some fundraisers will ever have. Your point about the impression it gives is, however, a valid one. Let's just hope Richard has seen enough of charities to know that they aren't all populated by twerps like me. Great post. Should be required reading for all attendees. Mark

不幸的是,这种方法并没有让我感到惊讶。< / p >

When I worked for a charity (many years ago), I found myself in the presence of a major funder and unfortunately I just became out of control. One part of me was shouting “Mark, don’t do it. Just be nice. Say how pleased you are that he’s here. Ask if you can help him in any way and then just leave him alone!”.

The other part of me dropped a very unsubtle hit for cash into the conversation. Luckily the person was very sensible. He changed the topic of the conversation, made his excuses and went to speak to people who knew better. He carried on giving to my charity and I never had any other contact with him again.

In doing so, he taught me a great lesson.

And this is the point. The approach of the questioners simply shows inexperience or arrogance (both of which really don’t offer much to a good pitch for support).

If the actions of the few help the fundraisers at the event to now appreciate a little better the advice of the previous speakers, I think it is a positive outcome and perhaps one of the best learning opportunities that some fundraisers will ever have.

Your point about the impression it gives is, however, a valid one. Let’s just hope Richard has seen enough of charities to know that they aren’t all populated by twerps like me.

Great post. Should be required reading for all attendees.


什么时候让亿万富翁捐款是个坏主意?由马克 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/2009/10/17/when-is-it-a-bad-idea-to-ask-a-billionaire-for-a-donation/comment-page-1/#comment-20 马克 星期一,2009年10月19日15:26:30 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/?p=167#comment-20 看到早上所拥护的合理建议和良好原则在下午就被抛弃了,真是令人毛骨悚然!尽管就我个人而言,理查德爵士给我们讲了很多关于维珍公司慈善事业的事情,而关于他个人捐赠的内容相对较少。其他发言者似乎更亲自参与了捐款的业务。在他隆重入场前播放的宣传视频并没有'并没有完全减少人们的怀疑,这是在推广维珍品牌....的另一个练习 看到早上所支持的所有合理的建议和良好的原则在下午就被抛弃了,这确实令人感到很尴尬!尽管就我个人而言,理查德爵士给我们讲了很多关于维珍公司慈善事业的事情,而关于他个人捐赠的却相对较少。其他发言者似乎更亲自参与了捐款的业务。在他隆重入场前播放的宣传视频并没有完全消除人们的怀疑,即这是维珍品牌的又一次宣传活动 什么时候让亿万富翁捐款是个坏主意?如何不从富人那里筹集资金|社会投资咨询公司 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/2009/10/17/when-is-it-a-bad-idea-to-ask-a-billionaire-for-a-donation/comment-page-1/#comment-19 如何不从富人那里筹集资金|社会投资顾问公司 2009年10月19日星期一13:42:24 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/?p=167#comment-19 […]//www.jandeweb.com/philanthropy/2009/10/17/when-is-it-a-bad-idea-to-ask-a-billionaire-for-a-don... [...]

[…] //www.jandeweb.com/philanthropy/2009/10/17/wh开云体育app客服en-is-it-a-bad-idea-to-ask-a-billionaire-for-a-don…[& # 8230;] < / p > 什么时候让亿万富翁捐款是个坏主意?作者:Rick Holland https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/2009/10/17/when-is-it-a-bad-idea-to-ask-a-billionaire-for-a-donation/comment-page-1/#comment-18 Rick Holland CFRE 星期一,2009年10月19日11:31:35 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/?p=167#comment-18 Wow. I could feel my jaw dropping as I read through your post, Beth. I was unable to attend this year's RFFTR, and I hope that Action Planning's Branson coup doesn't end up being a one off. As much as we strive to build trust with donors and professionalize our work (through accreditations like the CFRE and those offered by the IoF and other institutions), behaviour like this repels donors and sends the wrong message about the sector. One step forward, a billion steps back. Rick rick.holland@confidentphilanthropy.co.uk www.confidentphilanthropy.co.uk < p >哇。< / p >

I could feel my jaw dropping as I read through your post, Beth. I was unable to attend this year’s RFFTR, and I hope that Action Planning’s Branson coup doesn’t end up being a one off.

As much as we strive to build trust with donors and professionalize our work (through accreditations like the CFRE and those offered by the IoF and other institutions), behaviour like this repels donors and sends the wrong message about the sector. One step forward, a billion steps back.



评论慈善机构如何从家族企业获得支持由里克荷兰CFRE https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/2009/06/12/how-charities-can-get-support-from-family-businesses/comment-page-1/#comment-17 Rick Holland CFRE 2009年10月12日星期一21:24:01 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/?p=134#comment-17 家族企业并不一定都是小的,要记住,许多大公司都在向更长的慈善机构捐赠越来越小的礼物。 并非所有的家族企业都必须缩小规模,请记住,许多大公司正在向更长的慈善机构接受者名单提供越来越小的捐赠 筹款人会筹集资金吗?作者:Rick Holland https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/2009/10/06/do-fundraisers-raise-funds/comment-page-1/#comment-16 Rick Holland CFRE 星期一,2009年10月12日21:16:31 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/?p=163#comment-16 这's伟大,你've直接收到评论,贝丝,但我鼓励那些贡献者通过公开他们的观点来加入讨论。 贝丝,你能直接收到评论真是太好了,但我鼓励那些贡献者通过公开他们的观点来加入讨论 筹款人会筹集资金吗?作者:Beth Breeze https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/2009/10/06/do-fundraisers-raise-funds/comment-page-1/#comment-15 贝丝微风 星期一,2009年10月12日17:42:28 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/?p=163#comment-15 In reply to <a href="//www.jandeweb.com/philanthropy/2009/10/06/do-fundraisers-raise-funds/comment-page-1/#comment-14">Howard Lake</a>. Howard, I absolutely agree that charities should invest in fundraising whether or not donors recognise the role that department plays in prompting donations. But I do think that without greater awareness amongst donors of the role that fundraisers play in raising funds, we will see a continued escalation of the view that 'overheads' are entirely a bad thing, and that a defining feature of strategic/engaged/new philanthropists will continue to be an insistence that they pro-actively seek out good causes rather than react to requests. Thanks for all the comments on this post - both those appearing here and those I received directly, it's clearly a good topic for further reseach!

在回复 < / >湖。< / p >

Howard, I absolutely agree that charities should invest in fundraising whether or not donors recognise the role that department plays in prompting donations. But I do think that without greater awareness amongst donors of the role that fundraisers play in raising funds, we will see a continued escalation of the view that ‘overheads’ are entirely a bad thing, and that a defining feature of strategic/engaged/new philanthropists will continue to be an insistence that they pro-actively seek out good causes rather than react to requests. Thanks for all the comments on this post – both those appearing here and those I received directly, it’s clearly a good topic for further reseach!

筹款人会筹集资金吗?作者:Howard Lake https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/2009/10/06/do-fundraisers-raise-funds/comment-page-1/#comment-14 霍华德湖 2009年10月12日星期一17:01:18 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/?p=163#comment-14 捐赠者必须认识到这一功能的重要性吗,贝丝?对他们来说,了解筹款过程中所扮演的角色、技能和专业精神是可取的,尤其是因为他们应该明白,他们的捐赠的一部分可能而且必然会用于获得进一步的融资。但这不是必要的。缺乏捐助者的认可不应影响慈善机构投资筹款的意愿。你提到的所有其他方法,慈善机构都可以用来衡量(在某种程度上)筹款人所取得的影响。 捐赠者必须认识到功能的重要性吗,贝丝?对他们来说,了解筹款过程中所扮演的角色、技能和专业精神是可取的,尤其是因为他们应该明白,他们的捐赠的一部分可能而且必然会用于获得进一步的融资。但这不是必要的。< / p >

Lack of recognition by donors should not affect a charity’s willingness to invest in fundraising. There are all the other methods you mention that charities can use to measure (to some extent) the impact achieved by fundraisers.

筹款人会筹集资金吗?作者:Beth Breeze https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/2009/10/06/do-fundraisers-raise-funds/comment-page-1/#comment-13 贝丝微风 太阳,2009年10月11日11:48:00 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/?p=163#comment-13 In reply to <a href="//www.jandeweb.com/philanthropy/2009/10/06/do-fundraisers-raise-funds/comment-page-1/#comment-12">Howard Lake</a>. Good point Howard: lack of recognition of the role played by fundraisers is clearly not the same as them not having a role, and might even count as an achievement. But doesn't it make it harder for charities to justify the money they spend on fundraising activity if donors rarely recognise the importance of that function?

在回复 < / >湖。< / p >

Good point Howard: lack of recognition of the role played by fundraisers is clearly not the same as them not having a role, and might even count as an achievement. But doesn’t it make it harder for charities to justify the money they spend on fundraising activity if donors rarely recognise the importance of that function?

筹款人会筹集资金吗?作者:Howard Lake https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/2009/10/06/do-fundraisers-raise-funds/comment-page-1/#comment-12 霍华德湖 2009年10月10日星期六19:13:25 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/?p=163#comment-12 我'm受鼓舞的事实是,筹款人不't figure too much in donor '回忆他们为什么给予。That's quite an achievement. On the assumption that the billions of pounds donated to charity each year are not all given in response to news items or genuine personal philanthropic drive, fundraisers are clearly operating very effectively, especially if they leave donors with the sense that they gave out of their own free will. Fundraisers are of course not out of the picture. I think fundraisers can feel pretty satisfied with this phenomenon, if they can assume that very few donors would ever bothered to have explored the workings of Gift Aid, legacies and payroll giving, had they not had them presented and explained to them by fundraisers.

I’m受到事实的鼓舞,即筹款人不’在捐赠者’回忆他们为什么给予。那真是个了不起的成就。< / p >

On the assumption that the billions of pounds donated to charity each year are not all given in response to news items or genuine personal philanthropic drive, fundraisers are clearly operating very effectively, especially if they leave donors with the sense that they gave out of their own free will.

Fundraisers are of course not out of the picture. I think fundraisers can feel pretty satisfied with this phenomenon, if they can assume that very few donors would ever bothered to have explored the workings of Gift Aid, legacies and payroll giving, had they not had them presented and explained to them by fundraisers.

筹款人会筹集资金吗?作者:Beth Breeze https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/2009/10/06/do-fundraisers-raise-funds/comment-page-1/#comment-11 贝丝微风 2009年10月8日星期四14:15:04 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/?p=163#comment-11 In reply to <a href="//www.jandeweb.com/philanthropy/2009/10/06/do-fundraisers-raise-funds/comment-page-1/#comment-10">Rick Holland CFRE</a>. Thanks for your comment Rick, it reminds me of that quote: "You can achieve anything so long as you don't care who gets the credit"! I think there's also a further issue here about the extent to which fundraisers facilitate, rather than raise, funds - particularly from major donors who expect to be approached by a peer rather than a charity employee. In the absence of peers willing to approach their circle, fundraisers have to step into the asking breech, and I wonder to what extent that depresses the final amount raised.

在回复里克·霍兰德CFRE。< / p >

Thanks for your comment Rick, it reminds me of that quote: “You can achieve anything so long as you don’t care who gets the credit”!
I think there’s also a further issue here about the extent to which fundraisers facilitate, rather than raise, funds – particularly from major donors who expect to be approached by a peer rather than a charity employee. In the absence of peers willing to approach their circle, fundraisers have to step into the asking breech, and I wonder to what extent that depresses the final amount raised.

筹款人会筹集资金吗?作者:Rick Holland https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/2009/10/06/do-fundraisers-raise-funds/comment-page-1/#comment-10 Rick Holland CFRE 2009年10月8日星期四13:18:52 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/?p=163#comment-10 We shouldn't care who gets the credit, but in light of targets and goals we too often do! Trust or major donor? Event or community fundraising? There is so much crossover among income streams that we now need to reexamine traditional fundraising roles (trusts, MDs, events, etc.) to reflect this emerging reality.

We shouldn’t care who gets the credit, but in light of targets and goals we too often do! Trust or major donor? Event or community fundraising?

There is so much crossover among income streams that we now need to reexamine traditional fundraising roles (trusts, MDs, events, etc.) to reflect this emerging reality.

评论关于慈善事业的最佳书籍,踩在糖衣和愤世嫉俗的方法之间的慈善|肯特慈善开云体育app客服 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/2009/06/19/best-books-on-philanthropy/comment-page-1/#comment-6 踩在糖衣&玩世不恭的慈善方式|开云体育app客服肯特郡慈善事业 2009年6月25日星期四19:49:55 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/?p=144#comment-6 […]think the ‘best books’ I chose in my last blog tread the line between these two extremes, acknowledging that one of the most distinctive features [...]


印度手工艺品最佳慈善书籍评论»最佳慈善书籍 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/2009/06/19/best-books-on-philanthropy/comment-page-1/#comment-5 印度手工艺品»关于慈善事业的最佳书籍 星期五,2009年6月19日15:54:14 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/?p=144#comment-5 […]the original here:


评论慈善机构如何从家族企业获得支持由danfryer14 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/2009/06/12/how-charities-can-get-support-from-family-businesses/comment-page-1/#comment-4 danfryer14 星期五,2009年6月12日09:16:13 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/?p=134#comment-4 As you have stated, it takes more to convince a member of a family run business to give money - (evidence of previous donations making a real difference etc) but surely this wouldn't stop with the initial donation? During the 'long-term' is a company that is run in this way not going to want frequent reports of how their money is being spent? Also, as family run businesses are often smaller than other types of business, does this not mean that donations would be smaller and therefore to get the same amount of money as one would get from a single larger organisation, one would have to build up relationships with quite a few of these companies thereby increasing the amount of maintenance it would require to keep them?


在‘长期’一家以这种方式运营的公司难道不希望经常报告他们的资金使用情况吗?< / p >

Also, as family run businesses are often smaller than other types of business, does this not mean that donations would be smaller and therefore to get the same amount of money as one would get from a single larger organisation, one would have to build up relationships with quite a few of these companies thereby increasing the amount of maintenance it would require to keep them?

评论英国的Billanthropy由肯特慈善机构»博客档案»慈善家拯救世界的秘密计开云体育app客服划? https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/2009/04/20/britains-got-billanthropy/comment-page-1/#comment-3 开云体育app客服肯特慈善事业»博客档案»慈善家# 8217;拯救世界的秘密计划? 2009年5月20日星期三15:23:58 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/?p=40#comment-3 […]to have included pretty much all the top names in US philanthropy, including Ted Turner (the first billanthropist) George Soros, Oprha Winfrey, Michael Bloomberg and David Rockefeller. According to the Chronicle [...] 包括了美国慈善界几乎所有的顶级人物,包括特德·特纳(第一位亿万富翁)、乔治·索罗斯、奥普拉·温弗瑞、迈克尔·布隆伯格和大卫·洛克菲勒。根据编年史[…]

评论英国的亿万富翁由肯特慈善机构»博客档案»最好的捐赠者是一个活着的捐赠者开云体育app客服 https://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/2009/04/20/britains-got-billanthropy/comment-page-1/#comment-2 开云体育app客服肯特慈善事业»博客档案»最好的捐赠者是活体捐赠者 星期四,2009年5月14日23:56:13 +0000 http://blogs.开云体育app客服kent.ac.uk/philanthropy/?p=40#comment-2 […]‘Giving whilst living’ is a phrase you hear quite often in the US, but only a few UK donors have spoken openly about doing this, foremost amongst them being David Sainsbury, whose efforts to spend out the entire balance of his Gatsby Foundation have seen him become the UK’s first billanthropist [...]

[…] ‘是一个你在美国经常听到的短语,但只有少数英国捐赠者公开谈论过这样做,其中最重要的是大卫·塞恩斯伯里,他努力花光盖茨比基金会的全部余额,这使他成为英国第一位亿万富翁慈善家[&# 8217;]
