Congratulations to our Master’s Degree Graduates!

Congratulations to all our Master’s level students who graduated in July 2019: MSc Advanced and Specialist Healthcare (Advanced Dental Clinical Practice), MScAdvanced and Specialist Healthcare(Applied Dental Professional Practice), MSc Professional Practice and MSc Strategic Leadership and Multi-professional Education in Healthcare.

CPP Prizes and Awards – Winners 2019

The CPP Professional Practice Impact Prize – Dr Andrew Charley, MSc Strategic Leadership and Multi-professional Education in Healthcare.

奖是每年awar CPP专业影响ded to a Master’s level student within CPP who has demonstrated that their Dissertation has had a major impact upon their professional practice or the practice of their organisation. The Head of Centre in consultation with the Programme Directors decide on the awarded dissertation. This decision is also informed by a statement confirming the demonstrated impacts from the student’s employing organisation or other suitable stakeholder.

The Debbie Reed Dental Prize – Melanie Pomphrett, MSc Advanced and Specialist Healthcare Applied Dental Professional Practice.

The Debbie Reed Dental Dissertation Prize is awarded annually to a Master’s level student within the Centre for Professional Practice who has received the highest mark for their written dissertation on the Applied Dental Professional Practice pathway. The recipient is nominated by the Programme Director of the Advanced and Specialist Healthcare programmes.

The Professional Practice Prize – Winile Zwane, MSc Professional Practice.

The Professional Practice Dissertation Prize is annually awarded to a CPP Master’s level student on the Professional Practice programme who has received the highest mark for their written dissertation. The recipient is nominated by the Programme Director of the MSc Professional Practice.

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