G 40827 Recto

G 40827 Recto

G 40827 recto:尺寸:9.4 x 10.8厘米。时间:公元前三世纪中后期。出处未知。一封信的片段。这张残破的莎草纸的内容可以被描述为一封商业、行政或可能是私人信件,涉及十名奴隶或自由人(somata),其中相对大量的人倾向于暗示寄件人和收件人之间的商业或行政关系。在文本的保存部分中缺乏任何个人感情、礼貌或问候的表达,也可能有利于这种解释,但必须记住,这张纸的很大一部分可能已经丢失了。可能使用了匆匆笔(它更适合书写通俗文字而不是希腊文),文本中的正字法错误(见第3行、5-6行、8-9行,可能还有第1行),第5-6行中kalos poieses表达后使用了错误的祈命句,字母使用了窄的(可能是高的)纸,这些都表明,这篇文章的作者可能是一个精通两种语言的埃及人,也许是一个专业的抄写员。他更熟悉通俗文字而不是希腊语,在用希腊语写这封信时,他没有费心把画笔换成卡拉莫斯。这张莎草纸的以下特征也表明,作者可能有埃及背景。首先,实际上整个列的宽度都用于写入文本,几乎没有留白。 Further, the text seems to have been continued on the verso, rather than a larger sheet being chosen for it (the possibility, however, that the text on the verso was a mere afterthought written as a postscript after the main text cannot, of course, be ruled out). Finally, the fact that the sheet was turned upside down when turning it over and so the writing on the verso is upside down in relation to that on the recto. All these characteristics are common in Demotic letters. The papyrus was published by C. A. La’da as CPR XXVIII 2.


