


Apdo. 28‐20560 OÑATI

Gipuzkoa - Euskadi España /欧罗巴








西方对财产的概念仍然与土地的形象联系在一起;我们认为,这加强了一系列假设,这些假设如果不是无关紧要的话,也正迅速变得可疑。因此,财产的概念继续与稀缺性、主权和有形性问题联系在一起,就像从定义上看一样。“私有财产”的比喻,在我们理解财产是什么的核心,作为分配和分配价值的系统,在叙事中表达出来的独家“所有权”仍然坚定地“存在”。数字商品和服务的发展提醒我们,事实上,这些假设都不能被想当然:事实上,这些发展揭示了土地形象中财产的明显必要(似乎自然)基础必然是虚构的。然而,在这方面,我们不应该错误地认为数字财产本质上是新的:更老的发展,不仅涉及版权和知识产权,而且涉及基于社区的活动,如合作社和互助组织,长期以来一直在争夺财产的土地形象及其所承载的一切。本次研讨会将探讨,一旦土地形象不再是“思考”(概念化)财产的“适当”(唯一)基础,财产可以是什么,也可能是什么。在这样做的过程中,它挑战了“产权理论”,从我们与“替代产权实践”相关联的两组实践开始,利用它们通过“实践”的框架来探索产权关系的制造,而不是通过产权关系的土地形象中的概念框架的归属。将在替代产权实践方面有经验的学者,以及利用正统产权理论框架之外的资源的理论研究人员聚集在一起,将使我们能够检查我们需要另一种产权思考方法的证据,并探索可能有助于我们开发替代方法的方法和概念:直接参与、认识和使用“替代产权实践”的含义。具体来说,它包括学者和活动家的论文,他们在基于社区的实践中有良好的历史,包括合作运动、互惠化形式、社区福利公司和社会企业。 The value of this work to the debate is that these initiatives have had to struggle, directly, with a lack of legal forms appropriate to property practices which go well beyond the image of an individual owner having property in a specific thing. It becomes apparent, through exploring this field of activism, that property is not merely generated by communities assigning value; but that community, value, and property come together in complex, and often contingent sets, assemblages, in which what is paramount is not a concern with an individual (or group of individuals) benefiting from their property, but that rather property holding is simply a necessary ancillary to a broader social aim or set of values. The narrowness一旦土地-离散所有者/离散事物的形象受到挑战,实际上,被摒弃,正统的财产观念就会迅速显现出来。当我们追踪知识产权学者采取的类似模式时,这一点得到了加强,他们发现,传统的所有权概念不仅不适用于无形商品,更明显的是,数字商品的编码和可重复性使得“稀缺性”理由对正统的产权思想完全无关紧要。在这方面,研讨会将包括那些目睹了“财产”从有限资源的所有权转变为获得无限资源的问题的人的演讲。因此,本次研讨会不仅将研究关于财产的传统观念(即我们在土地形象中所认同的观念)在多大程度上可以被调整为适用于这种无形资源,而且还将研究当我们的适应性受到限制时会发生什么。有趣的是,在关于知识产权的某些形式的问题中,替代产权形式和社会正义的问题在学术界变得非常明显,而不是在“相当古老”的合作社和类似的社区倡议领域,这些领域很少被认为具有学术兴趣,因此在探索财产关系和社会正义问题方面具有潜在用途。最近在物理/物质和数字/虚拟维度上对公地的兴趣和工作是充满活力的,并将得到解决,但我们打算超越公地的明显“建模”,探索如何在战略上使用该模型促进思考财产和价值。例如,对丹麦替代性住房实践的研究,以及对全球定位技术的研究,从根本上颠覆了我们对土地的许多假定观念,以及“在土地上”对我们意味着什么。这样的研究不仅指出了我们彼此之间关系的捏造,也指出了我们的地方感、归属感和社区的可建构性。因此,将价值观和责任概念化的新方法变得显而易见,即使在某些情况下只是短暂的。特别是,我们希望考虑“财产”的过程,即支撑财产的价值和关系的锻造,如何成为潜在的资源,以及这如何使更有创造力和更开放的社区成为可能,以及提供新的资源以供开发和资本化。 In this sense, the seminar will also discuss how the coding of property is, in itself, also a potential property. Our proposal enables scholars from disparate fields (including law, copyright, economics, anthropology, and geography etc) to come together to explore shared concerns, and the potential in developing shared perspectives (methods, ideas and materials) to forge links productive of a broader, and more nuanced, understanding of property. It is unusual in that, in bringing together scholars and activists working in co‐operatives and alternative socio‐economic business models, with scholars working in intellectual property and digital media, it allows for an exploration of how both challenge the land‐image of property, and how both, in relation to each other, offer alternative ways to explore and think property relations, not merely in relation to each set of practices, but for property thinking in general. This seminar considers whether the time has come to cease placing ‘ownership’, especially as a concept, as central to, and necessary for, thinking and practicing ‘property relations’. Equally, it challenges the presumption of the centrality of the private property trope to, and for, thinking ‘property relations’. In the modern mix of complexity and diversity, a range of property practices evidence other potentials, and struggles towards new and emergent forms. This raises new potential for social justice concerns. The practices and ideas of ‘participation’ and ‘access’, for instance, seem, now, very relevant when considering both what property is, and how it can be utilised. Issues of control and exclusion, which characterised the ownership of land, have begun to give way to a more amorphous and modulatory image of ‘ownership’ ‐ one that can be seen as much more conditional, temporary, limited, and tailored than the traditional accounts of property holding. It is this more fluid account which this seminar seeks to explore, and, one might even suggest, ‘exploit’, in a concern to re‐activate property thinking (theory) through an engagement with the idea and evidence of ‘alternative property practices’.

IISL(会议), Apdo. 28‐20560 OÑATI, Gipuzkoa‐西班牙

国际电话. .[34] 943 71 88 89‐Inter。传真:[34]943 78 31 47

全国电话:943 71 88 89‐Nat传真:943 78 31 47

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