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Rail fare hike – fromUnions Together

数百万人of people return to work, passengers are once again being forced to fork out more for the same journey. Fares have risen, on average, by a further 2.5% this January taking the total rise since 2010 to 27%. Commuters in the UK can be expected to spend 17% of their salary on rail fares, while in Germany the figure is 9% and in Spain and Italy just 6%.

Every New Year, passengers are forced to pay the price for the failed privatisation of our railways.

The Tories, fresh from selling-off the successful publicly owned railway service East Coast, think the increases are simply the price we have to pay. But research from the TUC has revealed that those travelling on the UK rail network pay higher fares and a higher proportion of their salary than those on publicly owned railways elsewhere in Europe.

It is clear that our railways belong in public hands.

Take action now and sign our petition against the rail fares rip-off at

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