g60363 recto_fa

g60363 Recto

g60363 recto:尺寸:9.1 x 16.1 cm。年代:公元前三世纪晚期至公元前二世纪中期。来源:阿西诺人还是赫拉克勒波利斯人?
这个小片段来自一封私人信件。这篇文章的分类主要取决于第6行动词形式charizoio的使用,它通常出现在私人信件、推荐信中,作为公式化礼貌表达的一部分,更罕见的是,在私人场合的商业信件中。除了使用这种动词形式外,第3-4行中的单词还传达了一种私人的家庭环境的感觉。从现存的文本中我们可以看出,这封信的主题是关于一所房子和一个人,或者更有可能是这个房子里的某个物体。这份文件的年代取决于古文学和文体学两方面的考虑。尽管其总体风格相对特殊,但这些笔迹与公元前三世纪下半叶和公元前二世纪上半叶和中叶的笔迹有许多共同的特征。此外,文体方面的考虑也有助于确定这封信的大致日期。据观察,随着时间的推移,潜在的选择词逐渐被纸莎草纸上的未来指示词所取代。更具体地说,在莎草纸上,绝大多数的任择动词形式charizoio(连同其他人的形式)作为礼貌表达charizoio (an) +分词的一部分的证明似乎来自公元前三世纪中期和末期。这表明我们的文本应该可以追溯到三世纪下半叶或二世纪早期,这证实了古文献学。 As to the provenance of this letter, two considerations suggest a Middle Egyptian origin. First, one of the two possible interpretations of the word Philagr.[ in line 2, is the Arsinoite village name Philagris. This could suggest that the papyrus originates from the Arsinoite or possibly from a neighbouring nome. Secondly, this text was purchased together with document G 60362 and it seems, therefore, reasonable to assume that the two papyri derive from the same mummy cartonnage or at least from the same group of mummies with the same provenance. Since there appears to be a good reason for assuming that G 60362 originates from the Herakleopolite nome, it is tempting to assume that this letter also comes from the same or a neighbouring nome. On the basis of these considerations, either the Arsinoites or the Herakleopolites seems to be a possible provenance for our text. The papyrus was published by C. A. La’da as CPR XXVIII 7.


