Saturday 30th June 2pm-4.30pm

Grid Timetable (click for pdf)


Grimond 1Epis. Judgement and Motivation, Cameron Boult (Brandon) and Sebastien Kohler (Frankfurt)

Grimond 2Promissory Obligation and the Value of Normative Control, Daniele Bruno (Humboldt)

Grimond 3Kantian Constructivism and the Sources of Normativity, Janis David Schaab (St. Andrews)

Grimond 4Moral Fixed Points, Rationality and ‘Why be moral?’, Christos Kyriacou (Cyprus)

Grimond 5A Novel Framework for Theorising about the Meaning of Ought, Joanna Klimczyk (Polish Academy of Science)


Grimond 1Epistemic Accountability and Attributionism, Ninni Suni (Helsinki)

Grimond 2Against Moral Deference- the argument from practical deliberation, Adina Covaci (Leeds)

Grimond 3Transcendental Args.and Pritchard’s Insight, Casey Doyle (Oxford)

Grimond 4Obligation Across Normative Domains, Brian McElwee (Southampton)

Grimond 5Semantic Oughts and Moral Oughts, Andrea Raimondi (Italian NW univ.)


Grimond 1Epistemic Normativity, Sheena Ramkumar (Durham)

Grimond 2Pleasures and Aesthetic Excellence, Ben Bramble (TCD)

Grimond 3Methods为规范性命题…,Hakob Barseghyan (Toronto)

Grimond 4Can Moral Truths be Grounded?, Maarten van Doorn (CEU)

Grimond 5Success Conditions for Normative Talk, Oliver Schütze (Giessen)


Grimond 1The World is Not Enough, N.G. Laskowski & Nathan Robert Howard (Duisberg-Essen)

Grimond 2Aesthetic Normativity, the Political Body and Violent Perception, Eda Keskin (Martin Luther)

Grimond 3The Centrality of Normative Reason: Dworkin and Kant, Aiste Noreikaite (Vilnius)

Grimond 4Supererogation and the Case Against an Overall Ought, Elizabeth Ventham (Southampton)

Grimond 5Reasons, Rationality and Exercising Capacities Subpar David Heering (Leeds)


Grimond 1The alternative normativity of human rights, Stamatina Liosi (Kent)

Grimond 2Instrumental Rationality and the argument against particularistic willing, Olof Leffler (Leeds)

Grimond 3How to be a Moral Error Theorist…, Richard Rowland (Aus. Catholic U.)

Grimond 4Should we be moralists?, Kian Mintz-Woo (Stirling)

Grimond 5Exculpation and Moral Theories, Amelia Hicks (Kansas State)